一周一瘦:Sleepless in Seattle,阿拉斯加行程简介


我一般都提前1,2天到出发港口的城市。因为有时航班会延误/取消。提前1,2天,我还有时间换其他航班。这次Alaska Cruise,我提前一天飞到Seattle,住在Red Lion Hotel(这个Hotel不错)。在Downtown,离Pike Palace Public Market 2个Block。1PM Check In hotel, 然后就去Public Market 游览/吃饭。必看的一个项目是Pike Palace Fish Market. 然后Take A Cab To Space Needle。在Space Needle旁边有Duck Boat(水陆两用车),乘车游览市区和Lake Union。之后乘Monorail回到Hotel。Hotel附近有一家Wild Ginger中餐馆。做的很不错。第二天上午又在Downtown附近转转,下午乘Taxi去码头。

Cruise回来后租了一辆车,当天开到温哥华。住在Downtown的Hotel Cascadia。这个Hotel不太好。但离Downtown近,门口就是Trolley Stop。我们买了2天的Trolley Pass。随时可上下车。很方便。在温哥华玩了3天。然后开车返回Seattle。因为Downtown已经玩过了,我下面要去的是Mountain Rainier和Olynpic National Park。所以选择住在城外Silver Cloud Inn,离Microsoft不远。这家Hotel也很好,典型的商务酒店,下午5点有Reception,有酒,有甜点。附近有家中餐馆(忘了叫什么),只记得他做的烤鸭相当正宗。第二天去Mountain Rainer,出了车祸,一周一瘦:去年的一次车祸,好在人没受伤。但Mountain Rainier 就没去成。第三天去Olympic National Park。太大了。一天根本去不了多少地方。从Seattle去Olympic National Park还挺麻烦,要乘轮渡过去,否则要开车绕一大圈。地四天我们就回家了。


后面的山就势Mountain Rainier。非常遗憾没去成。

Space Needle和Duck Boat

从Lake Union看Downtown

看过Sleepless In Seattle的同学应该知道这个房子。这里的房子贼贵。

Olynpic NationalPark



 Nat King Cole - When I Fall In Love .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine

When I fall in love
It will be forever
Or I'll never fall
In love

In a restless world like this is
Love is ended before it's begun
And too many moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun
[| From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/n/nat-king-cole-lyrics/when-i-fall-in-love-lyrics.html |]

When I give my heart
It will be completely
Or I'll never give
My heart

And the moment I can feel that
You feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you

And the moment I can feel that
You feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you

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