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1. How to deal with Korea issue

a. J20 leaks force US to rethink about the military strategy

b. China’s holding strong on the issue force US to rethink


2. How to deal with the US economic issue

a. USA needs Chinese help on creating jobs, lose up the restriction of Chinese investment in USA, and technology exporting, a different G2 mode, which give more benefit to China.

b. Europe want to do bigger steps in the same field comparing to US, so that Europe can get more help from China

c. Chinese government is focusing internal market development, so reduce the dependency on US, which put big pressure on western about the issue of opening high technology market to China

d. J20 is the key

            Best result for china is

         Force both USA and Europe open high technology market, do more strategy investment inside both USA and Europe

 Keep the balance between USA and Europe, so keep the strategy flexibility

                       Speed up the pace for internal market construction and technology upgrading

           Build up the tight relationship to south Asia, Koreas, middle Asia and middle East, Africa, South America
