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早晨起来读“华尔街日报”,一篇题为“ Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior ” 跃入视线,嵌在版中照片里的妈妈和女儿那么美丽,吸引我一口气读完了文章。

作者 Amy Chua (蔡美儿)可不是等闲人物。哈佛毕业生,华尔街精英,纽约时报畅销书作家,现在耶鲁法学院做教授,是华人家庭最光宗耀祖的孩子。 Amy 出生在美国,父母亲是移民美国的菲律宾华侨,在典型的严格中国家教中长大。我原以为中国家庭的孩子走进美国校园和社会,会改变自己为母之道,其实不然。

看看 Amy 给女儿的约法十章让我倒吸一口冷气,以下是绝不允许女儿 Sophia 和 Louisa 做的十件事。严母的意志手段比我认识的大陆来的中国妈妈有过之而无不及。

• attend a sleepover

• have a playdate

• be in a school play

• complain about not being in a school play

• watch TV or play computer games

• choose their own extracurricular activities

• get any grade less than an A

• not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama

• play any instrument other than the piano or violin

• not play the piano or violin.

去年有一篇《美国高中 “ 中国妈妈 ” 为何成了贬义词?》的文章在网上引发热议。在美国学生家长眼中,中国妈妈盲目攀比,考分第一,名校至上,控制欲强,不尊重孩子的个性与愿望,对孩子赋予过高的未来期待,为此又不惜付出过度的物质溺爱。 Amy 此文恐怕更强化这种负面印象,中国妈妈的名声更不中听了。

Amy 对中西家长做了一番比较,比如西方父母小心呵护孩子的自尊心,鼓励孩子享受兴味爱好,而中国父母督促孩子学业才艺争强好胜,不允许失败;中国父母舍得为孩子付出牺牲,同样也要求孩子服从长辈光耀门楣作为回报,而西方父母却不认为孩子有欠于父母,孩子无法选择父母家庭,父母没有理由责成儿女去达成自己的理想目标。

我觉得中西父母之道各有千秋。中国父母在西方文化环境里,取西人之长补自己之短,那我们的儿女就有福了。我同意 Amy 结尾的一段话“ Western parents try to respect their children's individuality, encouraging them to pursue their true passions, supporting their choices, and providing positive reinforcement and a nurturing environment. By contrast, the Chinese believe that the best way to protect their children is by preparing them for the future, letting them see what they're capable of, and arming them with skills, work habits and inner confidence that no one can ever take away.

华尔街日报告诉读者 Amy 下周二回来在网络博客上回答问题。我上 WSJ 论坛上瞅了一眼,好评不多,异议不少,呵呵, Amy 披盔戴甲准备接砖吧!
