
星期五下午,大概是想活跃一下气氛,公司里有人发了一个电邮,提醒大家下周一(二月十四)是情人节。有位老兄跟进,说他和他的女朋友今年比赛,看谁送的情人节礼物最便宜、最丑陋、最不正经[No 1]。马上有人建议,到墓地去掐些花[No 2]。另外一位老兄却说不妥,因为这有犯罪的嫌疑。他的建议是,伦敦各处路边时常有些地方放上很多鲜花,或许还有玩具。顺手牵羊,不会有什么风险[No 3]。



From: No 1

Hi guys

This year, for something different, the girlfriend and I having a competition to see who get cheapest, nastiest and most cheesy valentine’s day gift.

Any tips?  I’ll obviously need to get it on Monday at the latest.

From: No 2

Old flowers pinched from a grave? Ticks 2 out of 3, and work for me every time ;-)

From: No 3

Why steal from a grave and risk a criminal conviction ?

Perfectly good bouquets can be found by the roadside regularly around London ... sometimes with cuddly toys, candles .... everything you need for a romantic night in .....

And it’s not stealing if somebody just left it there .....