
美国初中数学 竞赛( MATHCOUNTS ) 每周一 练总结

美国初中数学 竞赛( MATHCOUNTS ) 每周一 练从去年九月开始,现在结束了。贴了二十五周。都是 PDF 文件的格式,容易下 载和打印。每周算四十题,也有一千题了。这里的每一道题(除了模拟的题外),都在实际竞赛中用过,都是真题。这些题每一道都有答案。把这些材总结一下,供后面的人用。

MATHCOUNTS 竞赛有题型,有规律可寻,考的大都是常用的数学知识,但也有些非常见的。这些练习,并没有囊括所有的题型,只是提供一个开始。要想有更大的进取,还须自己努力。

如果您注册了,在您的用户名下,能看见" Math Coach " 这字,就能看见所有的文件。如果您不能看见那些 PDF 的文件, 请发邮件到 yongcheng3315@gmail.com. 我就 给您“授衔”。 GOOD LUCK !

Mathcounts Weekly practices

Week 0 problems (operations with fractions) and answer keys

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 1 Operations with decimals

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 4 Exponents and radicals

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 5 Order of operations

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 6 Geometry (1)

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 7 Geometry (2)

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 8 Solving equations

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 9 Solving Inequities

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 10 Geometry (Circles)

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 11 Coordinate Geometry

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 12 Polygons

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 13 Counting Principles

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 14 Combinations and permutations

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 15 Divisibility

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 16 (Mock Mathcounts 2011001)

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 17 LCM/GCM

Mathcounts Weekly Practice ---Week 18 Counting systems (bases)

Mathcounts Week 19 (Mock Mathcounts 2011002)

Mathcounts Week 20 (Mock Contest 2011003)

Mathcounts Week 21 (Mock Mathcounts Chapter Test 2011004)

Mathcounts Week 22 (Mock Mathcounts Chapter Test 2011005)

Mathcounts Weekl 23 Practice Problems (Mock Chapter 2011006)

Mathcounts Weekl 24 Word problems from Mathcounts

Mathcounts Weekl 25 Some countdown PowerPoint files


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