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Gestational diabetes, which affects ten percent of pregnant women pose a risk to the future health of mothers, so that half of women who suffer develops after two type of the disease.  According to new data published by the Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, between two percent and ten percent of pregnant women with diabetes for the first time during pregnancy, although in most cases the disease disappears after birth, half of women who suffer months or years developing diabetes type two. About a third of women with gestational diabetes, according to the source, do not go to your doctor for an examination within six months after delivery.

This test is the first step to be undertaken by mothers who have had the disease during pregnancy to prevent future development of diabetes type two, plus a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Experts wielded the mothers do not follow closely the management of diabetes because, after pregnancy, are “too busy” and concerned “over their children than themselves.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that women who have had gestational diabetes, though it disappears after the birth, undergo a test in the first six to twelve months, and do it again every year or three, as your body’s ability to process sugar in the blood is forever altered.

On the other hand, gestational diabetes during pregnancy can be controlled with a proper diet and regular exercise, but sometimes pregnant women have to resort to insulin. If left untreated, high sugar content in the blood of the mother may cause the fetus to grow too large and may lead to premature delivery. Also, uncontrolled gestational diabetes can increase the risk of a baby to have childhood obesity.

- Posted by isyak on February 1, 2011 in Featured News, Health
