真扯。你有看到日本核电站那接口的具体样子和形式吗?万一上面有些基础通信用的数据接口呢?电网频率不一致又会怎么样呢?现在只是新闻报道而已,所以很多东西都是听起来简单的很。实际上不一定是那回事。难道日本电厂的工人就那么弱智,都不知道连把两根电缆正负极切开然后缠一起?这种事你随便找个高中生都知道。很多工程问题,得实地看过才能明白... 还能联想到什么美、日机械主义,一看就没念过engineering school
俺是在北美做工程师的,世界最大top 5 company 之一,扯皮时理由多多, 干个小活要提前两周提交计划单,等等,效率低
xiaofeng_44106 评论于:2011-03-30 12:08:25 [回复评论]
after several times re-instoring the operating system,trruely fed up! I found out that deleting the cookies and histories help a lot at preventing virus attack of computer, especially before you restart. never restart, unless you know you're safe, viruses need to be restarted to trigger.
store your things outside disk, so you can clean up your computer any time.you don't need to re-instore, just clean up your user account, and re-set up one will clean up lots of things,
also, try to solve problem , not using restart computer, viruses will mess up your computer, and waits you to restart to permanently sits in.
if you know it, everything will be easy. like toliette. after 7 years, both of my flushing system went wrong, I guess it 'd be normal wear, so I screwed them very tight, and the water goes super slow the first year, now it's normal again. for the new screw position, I believe I have another 7 years, before I buy a new system.my friend spent $70 to repair, and ends up listen to my advice , bought a $10 new system and installed it herself not long after the repair.
house wife work is very challenging for me, not getting in much money, I like to learn lots of skills.
appreciate LZ.
I think Jap did it on purpose to mess up the earth.
avantgrade 发表评论于
真扯。你有看到日本核电站那接口的具体样子和形式吗?万一上面有些基础通信用的数据接口呢?电网频率不一致又会怎么样呢?现在只是新闻报道而已,所以很多东西都是听起来简单的很。实际上不一定是那回事。难道日本电厂的工人就那么弱智,都不知道连把两根电缆正负极切开然后缠一起?这种事你随便找个高中生都知道。很多工程问题,得实地看过才能明白... 还能联想到什么美、日机械主义,一看就没念过engineering school
俺是在北美做工程师的,世界最大top 5 company 之一,扯皮时理由多多, 干个小活要提前两周提交计划单,等等,效率低
xiaofeng_44106 发表评论于
after several times re-instoring the operating system,trruely fed up! I found out that deleting the cookies and histories help a lot at preventing virus attack of computer, especially before you restart. never restart, unless you know you're safe, viruses need to be restarted to trigger.
store your things outside disk, so you can clean up your computer any time.you don't need to re-instore, just clean up your user account, and re-set up one will clean up lots of things,
also, try to solve problem , not using restart computer, viruses will mess up your computer, and waits you to restart to permanently sits in.
if you know it, everything will be easy. like toliette. after 7 years, both of my flushing system went wrong, I guess it 'd be normal wear, so I screwed them very tight, and the water goes super slow the first year, now it's normal again. for the new screw position, I believe I have another 7 years, before I buy a new system.my friend spent $70 to repair, and ends up listen to my advice , bought a $10 new system and installed it herself not long after the repair.
house wife work is very challenging for me, not getting in much money, I like to learn lots of skills.
appreciate LZ.