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1923年东京大地震后, 中国人慷慨援助日本的后果【组图】慎入


饶恕 发表评论于
风行水上 发表评论于
永远是中国人 发表评论于

地震和海啸打击了日本的嚣张气焰, 大多数的中国人为此拍手称快,最好让日本从此走想崩溃, 永不翻身.
老姐 发表评论于

the reason so many people hate america...people like joey
btw0 3 points : 2 days ago
fb fail
ryanstryin 2 points : 10 hours ago
hey joey... now no ones going to hire you...
chubble 1 point : 8 hours ago
@ryanstryin excellent ing point!
anskidon 1 point : 14 hours ago
what a ing moron!!!! he deserves to have been in the path of the tsunami. douchebag
jacknizzy 16 points : 3 days ago
deedub 12 points : 3 days ago
so much grammar fail... :facepalm:
shutupzzz 3 points : 2 days ago
joey looks japanese - self hate is the worst hate.
nashius 4 points : 3 days ago
mack baker is the boss
michaelporter 2 points : 21 hours ago
americans are solipsistic and condescending. we killed hundreds of japanese with 2 nukes and people like this are super ignorant.
matm911 2 points : 2 days ago
omg ing idiot go ing kill yourself
stonedfish 3 points : 2 days ago
i say we attack this douchebag
danielerives 2 points : 2 days ago
let's send a tsunami to joey
ryder 1 point : 18 hours ago
no pancakes for you joey
alwayzfree 1 point : 20 hours ago
i wanna beat the shit out of that asshole. i can forgive him for hating them. i cannot forgive him for being an ignorant cunt.
modulor 1 point : 23 hours ago
infinite ignorance
s3nnex 1 point : 23 hours ago
lolz at not blacking out the names. someone needs to drop this on google so that a search for joey taulbee returns this
bbme 1 point : 2 days ago
wow!!!! some people!
bonsaiben 1 point : 2 days ago
richdathird 0 points : 2 days ago
can we have a nation draft? cause we need to drop this guy.
zaphod 0 points : 2 days ago
want to bet this idiot doesn't even have a distant relative who was ever killed by the japanese in wwii
alwayzfree 0 points : 20 hours ago
he doesn't like them no matter what the they do. joey taulbee go kill yourself.
minima -1 point : 1 day ago
after the first typo, strike 1. after second typo, strike 2. after reading entire text, i want my time back.
yeayjohnny -1 point : 3 days ago
dude he is stalwart, no arguing hes just being racist. like a boss.
unicornsrule -1 point : 2 days ago
a you whaallee and dolphin!
tanmimi -2 points : 2 days ago
hiroshima+nagasaki herpderpderpderpderp.
laojie 发表评论于
kilikibokilikibo 发表评论于
I still dont like them
---------simply put!
cheng1616 发表评论于
理解, 战争行为是政府主导的, 但民众也逃不了干系
忘记你忘记我 发表评论于