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美国医生节源于纪念一位麻醉医生。1842年3月30日美国Georgia州的麻醉医生Crawford Long 为一位摘除颈部肿块的患者成功实施了第一例乙醚全麻。他的妻子为了纪念这一成功,以3月30日作为庆祝日,后来便延续使用下来。美国的名医成千上万,为什么会选Long医生做第一例乙醚麻醉的日子来做医生节呢?因为麻醉的发明,对促进人类健康发展、人类文明社会的进步具有划时代的意义。

Morton是世界上首位在新闻媒体前公开施行乙醚麻醉的另一位美国麻醉医生。他的墓碑上写道:“在他以前,手术是一种极大的痛苦;因为他,手术的疼痛被攻克了;从他以后,科学战胜了疼痛。” 这是何等高的评价啊!医生节是医生的骄傲,更是麻醉同行的骄傲。


老布什是一位不善言词的政治家,但在这篇总统令中,他用了很多华丽的辞藻来歌颂医生对人类社会的贡献。他也可能是美国政治家中对医生最尊重的一位。美国有两家世界上最好的肿瘤医院,一家在休斯顿,叫MD Anderson Cancer Center,另一家在纽约,叫Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center。而老布什是MD Anderson Cancer Center医院的董事会成员,每当医院董事开会,病人们便会有幸在电梯里看见他了。。。


Origin of National Doctors’ Day (George Bush, February 21, 1991)
More than the application of science and technology, medicine is a special calling, and those who have chosen this vocation in order to serve their fellowman understand the tremendous responsibility it entails. Referring to the work of physicians, Dr. Elmer Hess, a former president of the American Medical Association, once wrote: "There is no greater reward in our profession than the knowledge that God has entrusted us with the physical care of His people. The Almighty has reserved for Himself the power to create life, but He has assigned to a few of us the responsibility of keeping in good repair the bodies in which this life is sustained." Accordingly, reverence for human life and individual dignity is both the hallmark of a good physician and the key to truly beneficial advances in medicine.

The day-to-day work of healing conducted by physicians throughout the United States has been shaped, in large part, by great pioneers in medical research. Many of those pioneers have been Americans. Indeed, today we gratefully remember physicians such as Dr. Daniel Hale Williams and Dr. Charles Drew, who not only advanced their respective fields but also brought great honor and pride to their fellow Black Americans. We pay tribute to doctors such as Albert Sabin and Jonas Salk, whose vaccines for poliomyelitis helped to overcome one of the world’s most dread childhood diseases. We also recall the far-reaching humanitarian efforts of Americans such as Dr. Thomas Dooley, as well as the forward-looking labors of pioneers such as members of the National Institutes of Health, who are helping to lead the Nation’s fight against AIDS, cancer, and other life-threatening diseases. These and other celebrated American physicians have enabled mankind to make significant strides in the ongoing struggle against disease.

However, in addition to the doctors whose name we easily recognize, there are countless others who carry on the quite work of healing each day in communities throughout the United States — indeed, throughout the world. Common to the experience of each of them, from the specialist in research to the general practitioner, are hard work, stress, and sacrifice. All those Americans who serve as licensed physicians have engaged in years of study and training, often at great financial cost. Most endure long and unpredictable hours, and many must cope with the conflicting demands of work and family life.

As we recognize our Nation’s physicians for their leadership in the prevention and treatment of illness and injury, it is fitting that we pay special tribute to those who serve as members of the Armed Forces and Reserves and are now deployed in support of Operation Desert Storm. Whether they carry the tools of healing into the heat of battle or stand duty at medical facilities in the Persian Gulf and elsewhere, these dedicated physicians — along with thousands of nurses and other medical personnel — are ital to the success of our mission. We salute them for their courage and sacrifice, and we pray for their safety. We also pray for all those who come in need of their care.

In honor of America’s physicians, the Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 366 (Public Law 101-473), has designated March 30, 1991, as "National Doctors Day" and has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation in observance of this day.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim March 30, 1991, as National Doctors Day. I encourage all Americans to observe this day with appropriate programs and activities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-first day of February, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and fifteenth.




Thank you to our doctors!  Because as long as people behave like this......
