这文学城啊,要是搞个什么谁是文学城最无聊的人, 我估计我就会高居榜首啊,为什么呢,看看我下面的故事大家就知道了。
一个周五的下午,我正在回家的路上,突然收到一个短信, 短信的内容: honey, I am so sorry, I won't be able to come to your birthday party tonight, my auntie just passed away, I can't stop crying now, but you know how much I love you. D, 我一看号码,这不认识啊,一定是发错了人。不过我一看内容,估计就是一爱情骗子,本来跟人家女孩子约好,却突然爽约,很有可能游走于几个女人之间。
1。 发短信不写名字,所有的女人都是honey,这肯定有好几女人,
2。 这美国人有几个为了Auntie 会哭得死去活来的,这一看就是瞎编
3。 而且这都快到晚上了,生日party就要开了,才来电, 多半是不能抽身;
---“ it's ok, you come or not, doesn't matter, I feel sorry about your Auntie, but didn't you tell me she passed away last month, also I really don't know how much you love me " 半天没有动静,估计是傻了,不知道自己以前用过这个借口,可能也忘记自己和谁讲过。过了半天,又来短信了
---“ honey, you hurt my feeling, you don't trust me, it was my great Auntie who passed away last month,and I love you the most, I can do anything for you.“ 我一看,还编呢,这怎么这么悲惨呢,每个月都有Auntie passed away. 于是我又回了一个短信,
---“it must be very hard for you right now, it's really ok, I will have fun tonight, and please tell rest of your Aunties to take care, make sure they are all safe and healthy, please stop texting me."
人家这哥们还当真了, 又一个短信来了,
---“I will tell them, and you know what?"
--- "what?"
---" you know why do I love you the most?"
---" I don't know, and I don't want to know either , it doesn't matter" (我心理想了,你爱不爱我关我屁事)
---"oh, honey, why do you act like this , my heart is with you, I want to be with you for the rest of my life" (还编呢, 我就想知道他到底是不是骗子。于是我又给他回了一个短信
--- “you really care about me? you really love me? then how come you can't give me a call to tell me " happy birthday", 又是半天没有动静,估计是跟别的女人在一起,不方便说话,而且能跟我交换好几个短信都没有发现号码是错的,估计肯定是偷偷摸摸的在发短信,过了半天,又回了一个短信,
--- I can't talk and also I am not in the mood to talk" 这一下子,我确定了这就是一大骗子,这谁能因为Auntie 过世,就连话都不能说的,我决定乘胜追击,
--- " I am so sorry, you know what, I was just too disappointed, ,cuz you can't come, but since I love uso much, I decided to cancell my birthday party, where are you now,? I want to be with you, to hold you and to wipe your tears. 这个短信之后就再也没有消息了。
瞧瞧。这自己还浪费了几个美子的短信费,图什么?用两个字形容我“无聊” 用四个字形容我就是“ 非常无聊”。