再这样绕来绕去,我的心脏会禁不住折磨的。我们还有些事没有做完,我说:“改天我们再研究这个问题。” 他又连忙问我:“我如果不答应,你就整天会给我脸色看的,对不对?”我说:“不会。”"其实我的脸色已经很难看了。我借口去买葡萄酒,他亲吻着我说:“Honey, I love you!" 我第一次没有回他的话。径自地走了。
I just want to put my post on YC here, which was deleted :-( there.
我在YC潜水多年 (大概5,6年吧),一直把他当作一个精神家园。幸或不幸, 我从事于高压工作,这些年个人生活也可谓经历悲欢离和。不怕大家笑话的说,每当我觉得如溺水之人,濒临"崩溃"边缘,我就用YC里的小说做精神鸦片, 躲入其中,暂时逃避现实。在里头或发呆,舔伤,充电,然后再回职场。众多ID们 (诸如黄颜,秦无衣,吴越,板板,汉代蜜瓜,心灵泉,悉采心,等等,抱歉不能在这里一一列举)精彩的文章不知道赚了我多少眼泪,心酸,和傻笑,大葱哥的美食贴害的我流了许多口水,还有那个涩狼的大胆图贴害的我几度担心自己被公司炒了鱿鱼 。我想,来YC的很多人也许有类似的感触吧。
我对YC的喜爱也让我对某些ID的粗鲁和尖刻觉得不说不快,觉得想提醒她一下。我和断肠人(尊称肠NN吧,YC老人了)的初次交锋是在上个月情人节(无聊吧 )。她对一个新ID特不NICE,我路见不平就说了几句。后来被白班主打了包,被"情人"骂无聊拖出去过节了而不了了之。最近YC有些争执,看了秦大侠的贴,我也不太厚道地起了几声哄。昨天哪,肠NN对”今夜心乱如麻”博文和其人特反感,跑到人家博客里大鸣大放,还把战场搬到YC。我是真觉得她太过分了。于是我这个老潜员发了平生第一贴 (the first thread I started),询问大家一个人是否有权: 1)跑到别人博客去攻击作者; 2)对自己不能理解的人或人生经历指手划脚。我再次感谢大家分享观点,使我能够学习成长。基本上,大家认为读者有权去人家博客发表意见 (拍砖),但是进行人身攻击就不好了。这就对了。
有人说我在引导大家对肠NN人身攻击, 我不认为这样。我把"己所不欲,勿施于人"当做右铭。我不搞人身攻击,我也不想被人身攻击。我说了N次,她is not a bad person。我是说过,但是她的尖刻,过激语言,污辱性语言是不对的,也不应该老让别人容忍她 ( I used words like “bitterness”, “overly aggressive language or abusive language” in those posts because I could not type in Chinese until last night)。下面我就事论事列几个例子肠NN确实语言过激,甚至用污辱性语言和人身攻击。为了避免段章取义,我也加了出处, 都是这几天的事。哎,也怪老板放了我几天假,我就吃饱了撑了似的发贴来了 :-)
肠NN那一副"我就这脾气,我怕谁"的气焰不由的让我觉的做错了事情还有理的感觉。我知道让YC成一方净土也不现实,但是这毕竟是个公共论坛,她也不能把这里当作自家的哪个什么什么,想拍谁就拍谁,想说听话就说难听话吧?其实肠NN也是有才, 把那才气和热情从骂人转到写creative的文章上,才是我或其读者更想看到的。
如果我的贴能让肠NN有所收敛或思索,那么我认为我也算有点小贡献了 :-)谢谢大家读贴。欢迎讨论和拍砖。
浮云 (Fuyun)
谁传这谣谁不是人养的,猪狗不如!更卑鄙!!!TNND,太气人了 (this is her reaction to posts that attacked her..)
I followed the story all along to Chapter 16 and truthfully ,so far, I couldn't tell that you loved him at all. Yes, the guy had history and had issues, but he showed you respect and appreciation ; you didn't do the same ; you didn't try to understand him and put things into his perspective; you would rather second-guess him than to have candid conversations with him to tell him how you feel and why you felt the way you did; then you expected him to understand you --- sorry sister, it has nothing to do with your finacial situations or your cross-cultural backgrounds,a relationship doesn't work that way. Love between a man and a woman is conditional,needs MUTUAL understanding, compromise, acceptance, agreement to disagree, appreciation, respect, communications ... yet, I didn't see you give him any of the above ; you need to give while taking from him -- I am sure you have a lot of good qualities, hardworking, self-deciplined...etc. however, the way you think -- if you love me, you should do and think my way, you should know me without me having to tell you , you have to accept, your offering is patronizing if it's not what I wanted...--- if that's the way you think, I am afraid you will not be able to sustain another relationship; loving you doesn't mean agreeing with you on everything and not doing what you want doesn't mean not loving you. Even if he understands your logic, he doesn't have to accept it, vice versa. Really hope you trully learned from this relationship and learn to think from different angle.
Again, I have nothing against you. I like your story, but really think so for your train of thoughts has been the biggest problem in this relationship.
Dear, she is an un balanced woman. I guess she might have some mental problems or just jeaous. Because of her expressings all about criticism others, have no kindness, no respecting other's life, this is really low class. So i stoped response to her. I don't have Chinese input in this computer. You have a good night.
fuyun 发表评论于
Just want to show you there are other folks who are supporting you... Just ignore her...I am copy some ID 郑在江湖's post here, who said exactly what I wanted to say!
It is clear that she demands money on the basis that he loves her. It is clear that she accepts his money and complaining at the same time that he did not give her enough money. You call that cultural difference, I call it ignorance. I dont agree with you on this subject, so let it be.
If you want to be a chick, then dont count the money and complain at the same time that the whoremaster didnt give you orgasm.
断肠人在天涯 please calm down. I understand it is a culture difference from 今夜心乱如麻. It is a very diversified country and I don't think people should stereotype Chinese or American.
Without revealing details, I can honestly say it is not true that all Chinese and American/ European millionaires and billionaires that I know in person are just looking for someone who is attractive, young to get married; beauty can be easily accessed by $$$, in fact, she would be a insider joke if a woman thinks she is the hottest chick in town for marriage, unless this guy is a red-neck, usually he looks for substances for a serious relationship.At least not the people I know from personal experiences and I know more than plenty.
You just said this is a free country and you then asked me to stop expressing my opinion? Who do you think you are?
BTW, I have no intention to stp anyone who wants to sell themselves. In fact, I hope they can get a good price for themselves. Your reading ability is not impressive.
Stop your critic, it is junk!! This is free country, people has the choices. Even they want to sale them self, this not your business! You have to learn more about understanding others.
So according to your logic, he chooses to love you, therefore you have the right to demand money. This is about selling yourself to a rich man and has nothing to do with love. So he is not willing to pay your price and you can continue to find the next buyer. You may not be able to sell...Sure, no problem, you can do it, but dont profane love. Dont tell me you are selling yourself because of love.
riverren 发表评论于
This is not funny. Did the man asked other girls? Or you? In this case, he just liked this girl, but she might not is the true love to him. If you know Americas enogh, you should knew that, many American women knew the point: Don't feel guity to spend rich husband's money, because the richs also need the marrige, otherwise, they would not marrie to you.
by断肠人在天涯 发表评论于
Funny,he wants young body and sex, and she is the only possible provider? She is an extincted creature?
by断肠人在天涯 发表评论于
riverren 发表评论于
Dear, i had a America husband. As you said, you were nothing wrong. He need you more than you need him, you are not the one who asked for marrige. As some girls already told you here, it just means he doe's not love you from heart, he want the sex, young body, that's all. If he really importance the relationship with you, he would not care about the $2,000. You were already cheap to him. So, don't be upset, you are right.
wildapril 发表评论于
by断肠人在天涯 发表评论于
by断肠人在天涯 发表评论于
I agree. So far she has displayed zero personal qualities, no good virtue, no caring loving & understanding, no qualification, no job, no manners...But plenty of greedy demands and bad drinking habbits. A self conceited low class female, that's all.
Completely agree - I don't have a Chinese input in this computer either so I d have to type in English. Counting on a guy to ride on a white horse to save one out of problems is not realistic. Especially for a middle class American, finding someone who he can click with and relates to is his number one requirement for a wife. For really rich ones, choosing a young, pretty face weighs more but there may be no marriage involved. Ultimately it boiled down to how well you connect and ask yourself how much you can bring to the table , yet other gals cannot. Love is a two-way street.
再这样绕来绕去,我的心脏会禁不住折磨的。我们还有些事没有做完,我说:“改天我们再研究这个问题。” 他又连忙问我:“我如果不答应,你就整天会给我脸色看的,对不对?”我说:“不会。”"其实我的脸色已经很难看了。我借口去买葡萄酒,他亲吻着我说:“Honey, I love you!" 我第一次没有回他的话。径自地走了。
I totally understanded it now,thanks ,.
fuyun 发表评论于
meimei, take it easy. That person is sometimes really too much. Just ignore her. I can't stand her so sometimes I wrote a few posts to remind her to be nice. But I come to realize she is "un-defeatable" :-)
Please allow me write this in English since I don't have a good Chinese SW . My husaband has many friends, 90% of them are lawyers, he is the only doctor. Three of them were single or divorced. The three singles often change their girl friends. I was wondering they would ever settle down. Until one day, the richest one among these three annonced that he will marry to his current girl friend whom he was only dating for a month or two. I asked him what made him the decision so quickly, he said she is pretty and tall, smart, retired professional golfer, and Western district sales manager for a large company. She is everything he wants. If I look at all of the girl friends these people had been through, they either don't have good jobs, or have previous kids, drink too much or spent too much money. Those are the top reasons to cause the relationships failur. American man in general don't have the concept they will be the provider no matter they are rich or not,unless he is an old and urgly guy noone wants him. In turn, they are not afraid of their woman being successful either. My points here is that you need to quit your drinking hobby, especially in front of public. you need to improve yourself to be a classica woman. Young look, sexybody and pretty face only last a few dates.
很占同冬枣和Tinyherb 的观点。我交往过很多美国男生, 现任老共是一家医院的内科主任。 你们的交往之所以失败,就是天时还不够。假如你已经毕业,经济独立并对美国文化多一些了解,你就会为这个关系付出的多一些, 也会多一些自信,也不会提出让人家给你父母两千块钱这种傻事。我很羡慕你可以写出优美的文字来记录自己的往事,我失败的而且是最难忘的一段感情简直就是你的故事的翻版,甚至比你的长而曲折, 姿势我还无法写出来。你和他一开始就是不平等的关系, 才会给你赵成如次多得压力和他的不理解。而我和现在先生认识的时候,我已经是一个成熟,成功的职业人。我们的教育程度相当,我们的收入不相上下,我们有共同的兴趣。我没有因为他是美国人家他,他也不是因我是中国人去我。 美国人有句谚语“if you want to catch a good catch, you'd better be a good catch".灰姑娘的故事有,但很难碰到。
I think it is a culture difference and I think as a female, you need to develop yourself first. Therefore, I think though he did horrible things, this should not be one of what he did wrong. Also, it is not graceful to just get drunk in front of guests just beause you felt like it.
相信你自己的选择.合适不合适只有你自己知道。我觉得美国人绝大多数表面很会做表面文章。整天说爱,替女孩开车门,花小钱买礼品等等。应该除去他的甜言蜜语,看他是如何爱你如何为你着想的。从今夜妹妹写到现在来看,他一切都是要按他的想法,他的 we is his.今夜妹妹必须百依百顺做绵羊才行。一切都由他做主才行。他不让妹妹打工是要妹妹每天他下班的时候在家守候着等着他。这种曰子恐怕谈不上幸福,控制欲太强妹妹会很压抑的。
很奇怪象他那样一把年纪的男人又那么会花人甜言蜜语还会做饭怎么会还是single?在你之前他的dating history, 你了解吗?他是否很花心?
你要好好的快快乐乐地生活,要让你前夫知道你们的分开.It's his loss.