
昨晚跟几个朋友, 加上5瓶红酒, 去一个画廊作画。 指导老师说, 如果觉得画得不好, take a sip!! 哈哈。

昨晚看着挺得意的, 今天早上就不是那么一回事了。 跟老公说镶好挂起来吧, 老公说, 你酒还没醒吧, 赫赫。

小葡萄妈妈 发表评论于
well.. hills, waves, after a few drinks, they are all the same.
cncjcc 发表评论于
Just to be fair, my 12-year old knew they were hills; my almost 10-year old thought the same way as I did. Actually, this means I have only the artistic eyes of a 10-year old, not too good!
小葡萄妈妈 发表评论于
哈哈哈哈, 是山坡上的房子。 看我的技术多差
cncjcc 发表评论于