2011-04-23 下午2PM o(≧v≦)o~~好棒
最近多伦多油价飙升到到135.3的价位,但是丝毫挡不住人们外出游行的兴致,在过希腊城的时候遇到一家加油站,131的广告牌上还标注了Full Service,加吧加吧(≧▽≦)/
The Scarborough Bluffs (also known as The Bluffs) is an escarpment in the Scarborough district of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Forming much of the eastern portion of Toronto's waterfront, it is located along the shoreline of Lake Ontario. At its highest point, the escarpment rises 65 metres (213 ft) above its foot and spans a length of 14 kilometres (8.7 mi). It was first named in 1793. The Bluffs has been described as a "geological wonder" and a unique feature in North America.-----From Wiki