Advice to underclassmen and juniors

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Advice to underclassmen and juniors looking at this thread:

1. Comparing your stats to those rejected or accepted will give you absolutely no indication of your fate. Every year it's different and the decisions do not make sense. There is no formula.

2. Never take an Ivy League acceptance for granted. There are no guarantees no matter who you are. Almost every ivy league is a reach, for everyone.

3. Never have your heart set on one highly selective, reach school. Take what you get, and be happy.

4. Do not trash talk the minorities. They bring alot to a college environment and they are excellent students.

5. Do what you enjoy, don't be fake. Show that you love learning and your activities.

6. I never understood the randomness of acceptances until I went through this process. In the end you will end up at the school you were meant to be. It won't matter, except for ego and bragging rights.

7. Don't be intimidated. Most of you reading this probably have a chance at these schools and it's an honor/privilege to be accepted.
