An Exployee Asks for A Raise

Employee: Excuse me sir, may I talk to you?

Boss: Sure, come on in.   What can I do for you?

Employee:  Well sir, as you know, I have been an employee of this prestigious firm for over ten years.

Boss:  Yes.

Employee:  I won't beat around the bush.   Sir, I would like a raise. I currently have four companies after me and so I decided to talk to you first.

Boss:  A raise?   I would love to give you a raise, but this is just not the right time.

Employee:  I understand your position, and I know that the current economic down turn has had a negative impact on sales, but you must also take into consideration my hard work, pro-activeness and loyalty to this company for over a decade.

Boss:  Taking into account these factors, and considering I don't want to start a brain drain, I'm willing to offer you a ten percent raise and an extra five days of vacation time.  How does that sound?

Employee:  Great!   It's a deal!   Thank you, sir!

Boss:  Before you go, just out of curiosity, what companies were after you?

Employee:  Oh, the Electric Company, Gas Company, Water Company and the Mortgage Company!
