The Making of a Maestro Portrait, Sir Georg Solti (1912-1997).

The Making of a Maestro
Portrait, Produced and Directed by Peter Maniura

Running Time: 93 min
Recording Date: 1997
The Making of a Maestro is a documentary that looks at the influential conductor Sir Georg Solti (1912-1997). Few other figures in the 20th century can claim to have stamped their authority on their field with such gusto as Solti, who will long be remembered - thanks to both his exceptional recordings, and the numerous interviews in which he comes across as both informative and entertaining.

Producer Peter Maniura paints a portrait of Solti at various different stages of his international career. The famous conductor was to pass away just weeks before the first broadcasting of this documentary on English television in 1997. Solti was in his 85th year./>

 一部当代伟大音乐家的多彩多姿的回忆录,一本值得所有音乐爱好者珍藏的书。 “我的一生是极其幸运的一生”,索尔蒂在这部极为出色的回忆录的结尾段落中流露出了他的心声。然而,更为幸运的则是我们这些他的音乐天才的受益者。对乔治·索尔蒂爵士的乐迷来说,这部光彩夺目的回忆录将更加巩固他作为一位20世纪最卓越的指挥家的地位。在每一页上,都透射出索尔蒂的宽厚仁慈、热情慷慨和温良和蔼。 在这部回忆录中,乔治

目录 ······

中译本序 索尔蒂笔下的索尔蒂
1 布达佩斯
2 苏黎世
3 慕尼黑
4 法兰克福
5 伦敦
6 芝加哥
7 走向世界
8 音乐,永恒之光
译后记 索尔蒂,20世纪最后一位指挥大师