一方水土养一方人, 是一句俗谚,比喻一定的环境造就一定的人才。
当我们反复强调“location, location, location”的同时,提醒大家买房勿忘买水。
1. 水源是否充足?
In the late 1980s, CA, like much of the
2. 水质如何? Or water pollution
Many towns and cities in CA, including SF, get drinking water good enough to bottle and sell. That’s because it comes from mountain river reservoirs. Other parts of the state are not so lucky. Southern CA, LA included, must import most of its water, often from as far away as the
So the key to determining water quality is to find out the source for a particular town. “Where does it come from?” Often, one part of a county-Santa Clara, for example—will have excellent water piped in from the mountains, while a few miles away the water will be wretched.
由此可见,水源决定水质。 另外,水质有软硬之差,有些地方的居民不得不用 water softener.
有人说, “you are what you eat.” 殊不知,60% of the human body is composed of water。 所以,我说,you are what you drink.