Star Scopes (4/22/11- 4/28/11)

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Star Scopes (
4/22/11- 4/28/11)

Author: James Tucker

Aries - March 21-April 19

Live each day like there is no tomorrow. Aries the Ram always sets high goals and then goes to work and takes action to turn them into realities. You must always have a dream and a vision to feel fulfilled. Your love of life then makes you want to share the bounty with those you love. This is why you are the leader of the zodiac.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

One of your greatest gifts is tenacity. You never give up, even in the face of adversity. When you find a second wind and move forward, nothing can stop you. You say, “I can and I will.” Then you do. This is true victory over life. Just stay relaxed and keep plugging. When one door closes a new and better one is waiting to be opened.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

A lighter touch goes a long way. Refuse to let the earthly, petty stuff get under your skin. Wake up each day feeling like you are up to any challenge. You will come through with flying colors. Just be sure to make a little quality time for yourself each day. You are important too, you know. Keep on communicating your truth.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

You have a special blessing on your life. You are always there when family and friends need you. You truly are an angel on the earth. You hold fast to the old- fashioned traditions, but you also keep up with the times. This adaptability gives you an edge. If you aren’t happy with certain things, you know how to tweak them until they are right.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

You have made a number of important changes this year. There are several more still to come. You have found ways to have more fun. Your creative juices are flowing. Your stress level has gone down. Keep on using your heart and instincts more than your thinking when making decisions. This ensures success in all you do.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Speaking from the heart always works for you. It keeps you focused, centered and moving forward. It also lets others know the truth. This approach buys you time and helps you not to take on unwanted responsibilities. Now take the extra free time and invest it in your passions. New adventures will surely follow.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Count your many blessings. People love you and want to be around you because of your positive frame of mind and heart. You are highly respected. It’s all because your word is good. You always come through when the chips are down. Yours is truly a magical life. You are calm at the eye of the storm. You are Libra. Yeah!

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Give thanks daily and know that you are continually fed and protected by the unlimited good in the universe. You have many wonderful, loving friends. You see the good in others they way they see it in you. You live each day to the fullest. This is the true meaning of life and your most priceless possession.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Recognize others when they do simple kind acts. Now, two people are happy. A kind word and pat on the back are powerful forces for good and greater than monetary rewards much of the time. It makes others treasure you. It creates love, respect, honor and loyalty. This is human dignity at its finest. You have life’s true riches.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Stay focused on your ideals. The light of truth runs strong in your spirit. It is the one quality that motivates you to action more than any other. Your inner strength is what carries you safely through the storms of life. You have many new opportunities to learn, change and grow. All good things are on their way. Get ready and enjoy.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The universe continues to show you favor. You listen. Your mind is clear. Your heart is open and your spirit is strong. You are an open channel for the greatest truth and creativity. Be generous with those who have helped you on the journey. Find humor in small things. This makes you vibrantly alive and makes others want to do even more.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

Fill your life each day with things that give you purpose: peace, love, health, abundance, faith and joy. Then share with others from this abundant well. Make time for your self to heal, refresh and be inspired. This is your day. This is life at its best and the source of true happiness. Yours is a majestic life well lived.

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