This thieve is more shrewed.

The thirty-three thieves who wear thirt-three shot shirts shivered in a shrub on the shore of Xiaozhuang and thrilled when Bernard Shaw shouted at them on Thursday.  Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. George Bernard Shaw

圆圆美元圆美缘  志愿支援袁高原  志远职员之冤愿  袁资原职员之源  自愿之渊莫抱怨  源远流长怨恨远  一厢情愿怕怨言 套花园里可无缘 
---*依靠总不可靠  *偏向*倾斜怕倒  **跛行缓慢费力  *"另"一极端更糟   ( ...不怕慢,只怕偏)
收成好还须收割好1,2  播种好等于收成好1,1  受苦难出现新问题3,1  上哈佛取得好成果4,1
熬骨出胶水 1  骨气遂粘股  久盯不出门 1   郁闷欲化骨? 2
无孔不入搜寻1  仍在内心反省1  站着说话腰不疼 不占座(仓)位不行2
北上粘缠  气味不散  衣服紧身  依附依恋  始终抱着  坚持己见
南下削减  老贼骗钱 剪断其翅 使无施展 疾飞而过 小散善删 2
有支方买  无支挨宰  不容干涉  知利所在  5
Divide these subjects into two groups, not by 文理兩類

非常的  越軌的  [古]遊蕩的  脈管中溢出   嚴厲的  (情感等)丰富的; 充溢的; 活力充沛的, 精神旺盛的  歡躍的  7 words
