这短小提琴曲确实是倾诉型,所以我没用"Like the Wind",旋律中的小提有种亲切悠长的呼唤,温馨的抚慰,激发出股股热浪流淌并滋润着你的心田...只是曲子太短...
"Like the Wind"整曲变换起伏确实有风效的感觉,主要在乐队副调陪衬,曲开头更多是"景,雾"的感受,黑管很情绪化,旋律高潮处发展得很气势,犹如被压抑的音乐情绪在此形成波澜被激发释放..从头到尾衔接得很完美....
琴键上的舞蹈 发表评论于
Music actually is the most attractive thing in my world. There is no need to sleep or to eat or to go outside if I can keep dreaming and feel the beauty in a piece of music---like you. At least, we can understand each other, and it is enough. You always can catch up with me, and you are such a fast learner that always surprise me. As I said, you can give me not only exact feedback but also providing more clue to extend understanding of music. Is it a well fit partner? Absolutely yes !! Thank God and Thank You &_~
琴键上的舞蹈 发表评论于
An old artist told me:There is no limits in this world, spatially in arts, every artist loves beauty; every photographer loves his models; every director loves his actresses…" The saying opened my mind and heart. Yeah, nobody can refuse the beauty in this world. I found the same saying from Yanni. 虽然有时会有两脚不着地的感觉,有点惨西西, 但依然摆脱不了attraction of music, so go for it, just follow your heart. Get rid of all the rules, you will feel complete free, free to fly in the beautiful music world...@_@
琴键上的舞蹈 发表评论于
这是我今天早上随手些出的,和您一起分享:缘于《Like the Wind》:
它象一个被风吹得飘着长发的女人,她很端庄秀丽,你会陶醉在她迷人的眼神里,她的眼睛真的会说话,看你的时候总是那样的专注,还有那灿烂的笑容,我喜欢在一旁象欣赏一件艺术品一样不停地默默地端详她。 她的微笑给了我一丝温暖和平静,她的微笑甚至能抚平人的伤痛。An Artist 喜欢一切美好的事物,喜欢远距离的欣赏。曾经很想走近她,但又怕打破了这美好的感觉, 那就还是静静地欣赏这上帝赐予的礼物吧。。。