I admire your knowledge in trading and always enjoy reading your articles about how to trade. But I can't take all the harsh comments you put on Chinese people and Chinese culture. Every race/culture has its pros and cons. Nobody is perfect. What you have been criticizing/cursing is by no means unique to Chinese people. If you have ever lived a real life with daily interactions with real people from all kinds of cultures/backgrounds, you would know - human nature is by large the same regardless of race/culture. You've put together lots of articles insulting Chinese culture & its people. Some of your observations might be true but I don't see any point behind your harsh comments. What are they for? Cursing for fun? I would rather do something real to help e.g. care for your parents, love your family, smile to a stranger you run into sometime somewhere.
I am not interested in football, so i dont want to know it, what's wrong with that?
You can not judge a person by football, do you think Bill Gates know a lot about football, different people interested in different things. Some people like to listen music, some like drinking alcohol, some like to watch movie, some like playing football, some like to commit crimes, some like to trade shares, some like to doing business, some like cooking meals.
If you judge people by football, yourself is frog in the well.
FreeTrader 发表评论于
Please keep kids away from Chinese culture. That's the best protection for ABC from their Chinese parents. Not learning the Chinese language, which has no logic built in, is a great way to do it.
FreeTrader 发表评论于
You are not Chinese for two reasons:
1, you can accept unfavorable facts which Chinese always deny for no reason.
2, you can think independently and logically deduct. Chinese can never do that because they have no principle.
stradem 发表评论于
如有冒犯, 请别在意. 我只是随便说说, 不针对某个人.
You can see we Chinese have what kind of Pysch. problems from those comments.
Be a man. Be responsible.
stradem 发表评论于
I am not trying to offense, but what I can tell you is that
you can't transform/change yourself any way GENETICALLY.
sa9997 发表评论于
xiaoy926 发表评论于
surgeon 发表评论于
Can't agree your points more! Truth hurts! What a sad Truth of history for our Chinese! I wish my daughter keep alert from the history of Chinese.
st-watcher 发表评论于
Harsh but true.
If we could choose, would we choose to be Chinese again? I (and some I knew) will not!
Those " frogs in the well" (even those people living oversea, but still are frogs in mind) are not even qualified to answer this question.
I often joke about how to tell if someone really knows USA by how much he/she knows about football. It is ok you did not become football fan, but at least, do you have a mind open enough to learn it before you conclude football is fun or not. Same rule applys to cultures!
Freetrader - Read your trading commentary from time to time. Quite true. But it thought you might take on too much a battle. In my mind the market is the ultimate battlefield; any human with flesh and blood will eventually be destroyed in this battlefield no matter strong he builds himself or how much shield he puts on himself. There is only one potential solution if one wants to be sustainable - build robots.
Today is the first time reading your cultural/political commentary. Pleasantly surprised that somebody, and indeed a trading guru like you, shares a likemind. How comes 世世代代? Just watch how we, or any people, grow up and turn around raising our own kids. But we got to love ourselves, don't we? Got to do it bit by bit and generation by generation... At the same time, market is the most simple, fair and forgiving place to pursue fulfillment and glory while we work on our cultural disadvantages...
Doesn't make any sense to me if one sees the problems and thereafter makes a lot of complains without the reasons and solutions. It is worthy to find out the reasons and solutions. But the bottom line is, you can't change yourself GENETICALLY. The Chinese are the whole as a whole, and you can't get rid of it. You are a great stock trader and a great honest Chinese as well.
A. Geography
Why the West Rules--for Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future.---Ian Morris
B. Biology and Innovations, Jared Diamond
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor
C. Genetics(molecular anthropology) (why Hillary Clinton asks her intel. officer to get the genetic material of UN General Secretary)
Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup
The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, 2002 , Spencer Wells
D. language and human history
You can find them yourself.
I do believe the Sinitic language(s) are lower level ones compared with European, but they have graphic and pattern advantages. Without the Chinese characters, China were not the China, they would had already been fragmented into many many countries. I do recommend the chinese people in China should be educated with both Mandarin Chinese and English languages.
E. IQ , EQ, and Psychology(the ways to think)
The Geography of Thought : How Asians and Westerners Think Differently...and Why --Richard E. Nisbett
IQ and the wealth of nations-- By Richard Lynn, Tatu Vanhanen
Chinese: higher math IQ, average verbal IQ, lower EQ;
Westerners : average math IQ, higher verbal IQ, above average EQ.
I do believe both IQ and EQ are equal important.
SOLUTIONS? ?????????
Democracy alone?? I don't think so, we are not white westerners. It is very very hard to find out the solutions, but we have to do it.