出生于台湾,毕业于U Of PA沃顿商学院。研究中国经济很到位,基本是华人学者里唯一的正确者;当然美国内部关于中国经济的战略研究是不公开的,估计与郎的研究结果类似。早期由于二元化经济和6+1理论声名鹊起,后期出版物基本都是以赚钱为目的了。对金融和股市运作的认识基本为零,其专题电视系列节目“郎眼财经”,惨不忍睹,卖弄着正确率基本为零的关于美国股市运作的观点。相信其不是故意糊弄,而是真的相信美国的教科书学院派理论,也天真地相信美国的监管制度。
As far as I can see, China is going to collapse after 2020, and fragmented into >20 states or countries.
As a Chines, I feel very very sorry about it.
I don't know who can save China then. I don't know the Chinese are still having that Unity showed in 5.12?
Nothing wrong with China per se but the people, therefore you need, maybe, hundreds of years to clean up the "troubles". I don't think history will offer the Chines with such luxury.