Looking both directions for you

记录和分享我的所听, 所见,所感,所想。
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The house stands quiet

In the shade of the trees.

The sun hides
Behind the clouds,

But the heat remains.

Once in a while
A gentle breeze sweeps through the branches,
Leaving behind
A whisper of nothingness.
I stand there
By the street side,
Alone and cold,
Looking both directions for you. 

Then dusk comes,

With the street lights shimmering,

And the moths dancing,

I stand there

By the street side,

Alone and cold,

Looking both directions for you. 

In the darkness of night,

I hear your faint call,

I fumble and stumble around,

But I could not feel you

Near and about. 

Then dawn comes,

I find your empty shoes

Lying in the morning dew.

I stand there
By the street side,

Alone and cold,

Looking both directions for you.



