我一直在想,为什么中国的孩子们在上大学以前显得尤为突出,之后举步维艰, 我从学校接我九岁的儿子时我跟他讨论这个话题时,他给我介绍一个新的概念--街头智慧, 它通常不会记载在书里,也很难在任何一堂课里学到, 是平时经验积累的知识
To be street smart means you have situation awareness. You can assess the environment you are in, who is in it, and what the available angles are. Being on the street, or in the trenches, or whatever low to the ground metaphor you prefer, requires you learn to trust your own judgment about people and what matters. This skill, regardless of where you develop it, is of great value everywhere in life regardless of how far from the streets you are.