13 Weight-loss foods
十三种 益身瘦身 食物菜蔬 干果水果
According to a recent study, red chili peppers can curb hunger and help you burn calories faster. These spicy little fruits are not the only everyday foods that have been linked to weight loss (easily calculate your BMI). Read on to discover more foods that can aid in dropping unwanted pounds.
1. 红辣椒 (非 红秦椒 菜椒)

The spicy peppers can kick-start your metabolism (find out what that means) because of a special component (what is it?). You can add red pepper in its ground formto soups (get recipes), marinades and sauces (make one tonight) or cook with it in its raw form.
Check out recipes with red chili pepper here.
2. 甘蓝类蔬菜

此类蔬菜高纤维,增加胃的饱胀感,并且富含维生素A, K,增强机体免疫及解毒功能。
High in fiber (here’s how much) and low in calories (here’s how many), kale can help fill you up without filling you out. It is also a rich source of vitamin A,vitamin K and this important vitamin that boosts the body’s immune and detoxification systems. Eat kale on its own (what does it look like?) or add it to pasta, salad, soups and other main dishes.
Add kale to your meal with these recipes.
3. 大杏仁 (非 苦杏仁 小杏仁)

高蛋白 高维生素E, 铁,钙,无盐生大杏仁可做撒拉 或直接副餐等。
Almonds prove that good things really do come in small packages. These bite-sized nuts pack a punch of protein (here’s how much) that helps curb hunger between meals. Raw, unsalted almonds are a healthy snack on their own or make a delicious, crunchy garnish for main courses and salads (get great recipes). Compared to the fattier alternative, almond butter is more rich in vitamin E (why is vitamin E important?), iron and calcium.
Get recipes using almonds here.
4. 燕麦

燕麦为复合碳水化合物 在消化道缓慢释出糖类及能量(“耐饿”)为血糖的自动调节剂。
Contrary to many fad diets, carbohydrates (get the skinny) are not to be feared. Oats are an ideal source of complex carbohydrates that sustain the body and provide the nutritious balance (oat nutrition facts) needed for weight loss. Compared with simple carbohydrates, oats slowly release energy into the body and have less of an impact on the body’s blood sugar.
Check out recipes with oats here.
5. 醋

Recent research shows that the main chemical in vinegar may help control your blood sugar, and thus aid in weight loss. Vinegar (especially this Italian variety) also makes a tangy substitute to creamy sauces and dressing that can be high in fat.
Check out recipes using vinegar here.
6. 苹果

Apples are rich in antioxidants, are a fantastic source of fiber (how much?) and provide natural carbohydrates (how much?) that help keep you sustained between meals. Eating them raw with their skin is the most nutritious way to consume apples, but they also work well in recipes for salads and desserts.
Get yummy recipes with apples here.
7. 绿茶

含有一种特殊的抗氧化剂 可以消耗脂肪 故可减肥。
Clinical studies have shown that green tea consumption may aid in weight loss. These rudimentary studies suggest that a specific antioxidant found in green tea can help the body burn fat. Green tea comes in several varieties and is a staple beverage in many Asian countries (where did it originate?).
Check out recipes that utilize green tea.
8. 阿蜗卡荳,鳄梨

此果富含单饱和脂肪酸,它的腻歪口感和食后饱胀感 可使厌食而减肥。
Avocados are a wonderful source of monosaturated fats (often referred to by their nickname), which have been linked to weight loss and to a decrease in belly fat (which is often a result of this condition). This creamy green fruit provides the nutrition needed to keep you feeling satiated when faced with the temptation of junk food.
Check out recipes with avocado here.
9. 薐提尔斯,小扁豆

Lentils are rich in protein (how much?) and soluble fiber (useful in treating a common disorder), which is an important combination in combating high blood sugar and preventing the body from creating unwanted fat. Lentils come in many varieties and colors and are a common ingredient in soups and curries.
Get easy recipes using lentils here.
10. 蓝莓

Blueberries are a superfood (what’s that?) full of antioxidants, vitamin C, iron (here’s how much) and fiber (here’s how much), all of which have been linked with weight loss. Blueberries also provide a sweet substitute for refined sugars and controversial artificial sweeteners.
Check out recipes with blueberries here.
11. 肉桂,桂皮

桂皮高铁高镁,可调控血糖并加速体内脂肪消耗 而减肥。
Research suggests that cinnamon can help to regulate blood sugar and help the body burn fat. Cinnamon is also high in iron (here’s how much) and manganese (here’s how much), both of which are important parts of a balanced diet. Sprinkling cinnamon on sliced apples, oatmeal and wholegrain toast is a natural, sugar-free way of enhancing flavor.
Get recipes with cinnamon here.
12. 葵诺阿,藜麦

This ancient civilization thought of their quinoa crops as sacred, referring to quinoa as “the mother of all grains.” Centuries later, the grain (what does it look like?) continues to be praised for its nutritious value. Very rich in protein (here’s how much) and fiber (here’s how much) quinoa is an ideal way of satiating hunger without loading up on calories.
Check out quinoa recipes here.
Quinoa was of great nutritional importance in pre-Columbian Andean civilizations, secondary only to the potato, and was followed in importance by maize. In contemporary times, this crop has become highly appreciated for its nutritional value, as its protein content is very high (12%–18%). Unlike wheat or rice (which are low in lysine), and like oats, quinoa contains a balanced set of essential amino acids for humans, making it an unusually complete protein source among plant foods.[12] It is a good source of dietary fiber andphosphorus and is high in magnesium andiron. Quinoa is gluten-free and considered easy to digest. Because of all these characteristics, quinoa is being considered a possible crop in NASA's Controlled Ecological Life Support System for long-duration manned spaceflights.[12]
全麦 全作物主食,全燕麦,全莜麦,大麦,碾碎的干小麦,荞麦,藜麦等。
Choose whole-grain foods over those made with refined grains, such as white bread. Look beyond popular
choices like whole oats and brown rice to lesser-known whole grains like
barley, bulgur, kasha, and quinoa. Limit your intake of white potatoes.
13. 沙门鱼, 三文鱼

沙门鱼 油腻 富含 omega-3 脂肪酸 有说对心血管有保护作用, 尚可减肥,建议每周食用二次。
The oils found in fish such as salmon (check out theofficial name) have been linked to several health benefits, including weight loss. Replacing beef and pork with salmon as the main component of a meal is a low-fat (here’s how much) protein (here’s how much) solution.
Get simple salmon recipes here.
【小生 © 2011-5-10】