56 岁的黑人女性 Oprah Winfrey 用了三十年, 完成了从一个默默无闻的电视台记者 到一个世界上最富有最具影响力的媒体女王的转变. 在拥有了美国收视率最高的 talk show 多年之后, 在创建了以自己名字命名的畅销杂志多年之后, 现在又创立了 自己的电视台 Oprah Winfrey Network, 从此更有力地影响着美国人的思想, 潮流和 价值观. 在接受她小时候的偶像, 德高望重的资深记者Barbara Walter 的采访时, 她激动地大谈特谈她的Oprah Winfrey Network 的诞生, 难以掩饰她的骄傲和她的兴奋, 直到 Barbara 让她谈谈和Gayle King 的关系, 她立刻沉静了下来. Gayle 是她三十多年 前在同一个电视台的同事, 同是黑人女记者, 同样有强烈的事业心, 同样要克服这个 职业中的种族和性别的歧视, 她们成了三十多年相互扶持不离不弃的朋友, 见证着 各自建立的事业和家庭. 美国人不太能理解这种友谊, 就把这种友谊八卦成同性恋. Oprah Winfrey 是这样一字一句地回答Barbara 的问题的. " She is the mother I never had; She is the sister everybody would want; She is the friend that everybody deserves." 说到这儿, 她哽咽着泪流满面, 等她终于平静了, 解释说, 她流泪是因为她从没对Gayle 讲过她这样的感受.
" She is the mother I never had; She is the sister everybody would want; She is the friend that everybody deserves." 整个访谈我就记住了这段话, 并为之动容, 所以有这样的感想.读过你的很多文章, 喜欢你对生活的感悟和乐观的心态.
" She is the mother I never had;
She is the sister everybody would want; She is the friend that everybody deserves."
九月豆 发表评论于
co " She is the mother I never had; She is the sister everybody would want; She is the friend that everybody deserves."
Friendship comes from both ways, Opera by herself is a very kind & wise person as well, she has influenced so many people around her in a very positive way ...
Thanks so much for this wonderful write, and thanks for sharing with us!~~~