

  • 太极的思想


  • 慎战的思想


  • 全争的思想


  • 先胜的思想



  • 孙子认为战争是国家大事,关系国家生死存亡,不可不研究明察。(兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。)
  • 严格说来,孙子是一个反战者。原因不是他爱好和平,而在于战争资源消耗战(日费千金)。最好的作战就是不战而胜(善战者,不战而屈人之兵;或全国为上,破国次之)。
  • 孙子最早在兵法上提出军事情报的重要性,他主张知彼知己,百战不殆,不知彼而知己,一胜一负,不知彼不知己,每战必殆。一方面要用各种方法(包括派间谍)获取、探取敌方军情、军力、部署、动向、补给,同时将本身的军情严格保密,或发放假军情,虚虚实实,诈骗敌方,令敌方信假为真。
  • 孙子强调备战。“故用兵之法勿恃敌之不来,恃吾有以待之,勿恃敌之不攻恃吾有所不可攻也。”
  • 若不得已开战,选在自己熟悉的地形,以逸代劳最佳,其次是在平地一比一决战,最下是攻城。(上兵伐谋;其次伐交;其次伐兵;其下伐城。)
  • 孙子时常有譬喻式的描述,诸如他注重势与节(时机),形容前者如湍急水上的漂石,后者如飞鸟攻击猎物;其中最有名者,乃后来被武田信玄所使用的风林火山之旗:“其疾如风,其徐如林,侵掠如火,不动如山,难知如阴,动如雷霆。”
  • 孙子主张,战争的胜利在于敌方露出破绽,有可趁之机。
  • 孙子主张,用兵在于正奇相用(凡战者,以正合,用奇胜。):正可视之为按牌理出牌,奇可视为不按牌理出牌,这两者没有一定规则,不需拘泥。后,在《李卫公问对》里面,唐太宗特别问李靖正奇之间的比例,李靖回答没有一定。
  • 孙子主张,战场上的情况只有带兵的将领 了解,明知道进攻会失败,就算君主下令进攻也要违抗“将在外,君命有所不受。”
  • 谈到对败兵的处置,特别主张“网开一面”,以全面瓦解敌方士气的观点。所以孙子主张:穷寇莫追,围师必阙。
  • 战场局势,类似出奇兵原则,孙子也主张“投之亡地然后存,陷之死地然后生”,意味要考量部队特色,适时激励拼死一搏的气势。这一点在后来韩信井陉之战背水一战大破赵国陈余时使用。
  • 孙子认为兵无常势,就好像水一样,形势不同,所以可以因敌人的变化,而取得胜利,方能用兵如神。(故兵无常势,水无常形;能因敌变化而取胜者,谓之神。)



* War is a matter of vital importance to the state; it is a matter of life or death, survival or ruin.


* War can lead to disaster. Sometimes the best way to win is to not fight at all. This is perhaps Suntzu’s ultimate secret.

   Nations often rush to wars with very little concern of thinking through what the total cost is going to be, not only just the dollars, but also in terms of human suffering, not only to you, but also to the civilians and children of the country which you are fighting.

* No nation has ever benefited from prolonged war.


* War is a means to an end. War is not the goal.


* The role of supreme general: a man must be intelligent and cunning, never rash or arrogant, against impulsive behavior, rash behavior.


* Victory comes from deep thinking, from detailed calculation, from long preparation.

* Foreknowledge: the way a wise general can achieve greatness beyond ordinary men is through foreknowledge.

* The winning army realizes the conditions for victory first, then fights. The losing army fights first, then seeks victory.

* Move only when you see an advantage and there is something to gain. Only fight if a position is critical.

* Never throw good money after bad. Never use an attack to rescue a defeat.


* Three key principles:

   Know yourself and your enemy.

   Subdue enemy without fighting.

   Avoid what is strong, attack what is weak.


* Momentum: it is important to maintain momentum.


* Five elements to win: weather, terrain, leadership, military doctrine, moral influence.


* Those skilled in war bring the enemy to the field of battle.

* To move your enemy, give him something he is certain to take.


* When the enemy occupies high ground, do not confront him. If he attacks downhill, do not oppose him.

* There are some armies that should not be fought; some ground that should not be contested.

