重组风波 (六)


After a (seemingly very long) pause, he spoke in a softened voice: "Ah, that makes sense, now I understand. Behind every resume there is a real person and a long story to be told. "

然后他说了一些例行公事的话, 比如还要面试其他人, 要到6月底才会决定这个位置的人选, 等等. 最后他说:"I'm so glad that you approached me and showed interest in this job. And I appreciate the chance to get to know you better. Regardless of the outcome, I will call you personally to let you know, I promise."


挂上电话之后, 我呆了几秒钟, 强忍已久的眼泪终于夺眶而出, 一发而不可收拾.

我哭了一整天, 直到第二天早晨.

10年了, 除了公司少数几个人事部门的人, 没有人知道我因绿卡而做的挣扎.

我太自尊了, 我不愿意和人谈论这个话题. 

我哭了, 因为我很愤怒, 他逼迫我到了墙角, 让我不得不说出我认为是私人的东西. 我的骄傲受伤了.

但不管怎样, 这一切总算都过去了, 我可以松一口气了.
