引: "...朱镕基曾在任上公开表白,退休后,一不任职,二不题词,三不作个人传记。..."
中国对他如此优厚,他退休后竟然不做顾问? 不写传记,把经验、错误教训六给后人???
这种人还有价值吗???????? 该死!
zWiserman 发表评论于
per: "...The first president of republic of China was an US citizen...."
1) This is questionable! How did Dr.Sun Yat-Sen get his US citizenship paper is still a mystery. No official message has been released.
2) May be he had dual citizenship status. So what? He might use US passport for traveling the world. For sure, Dr.Sun loved China wholeheartedly.
3) So, what are you trying to say?
Alexren 发表评论于
The day so called oversea students take the power in China will be the day o nightmare for all Chinese. The first president of republic of China was an US citizen. And the first prime minister of republic of China is a gradulate from Columbia University who turned to be a traitor in world war two