我的二奶, 愛鳳!! ( it is not what you think.)

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Please read below what I have reveived from a friend:

My Concubine:我的二奶, 愛鳳!!

花甲老翁得新寵  Old Man Got a New Love

千嬌百媚俏愛鳳  Lovely as a Beauty Can Be

生活起居有了她  Living with Her in His Life

憑添情調趣無窮  He is Having Fun without End

 打扮時尚迎潮流  Dress Up as Modern as She Would

溫柔體貼性順從  Tender Consider She Can Be

家居外出伴著我  Keeping Him Company in & out

四季如春無嚴冬  Making Four Seasons Feel Like Spring

 學識淵博深若海  Knowledges Deep & Broad as Sea

記憶如神超時空  Memories Swift in Time & Space

疑問雜題難不倒  No Question is Too Difficult

愛因斯坦拜下風  Einstein Would Consider Her Good

 樂壇名曲知曉多  Knowing All Pops & Hit Songs

黃鶯出谷甜喉嚨  Voices Sweet as a Canary

側臥枕邊輕輕哼  Lying, Huming next to his pillow

天籟美聲伴酣夢  Bringing Him to Sleep with Sweet Dreams

天生一幅活地圖  Borne with Maps in Her Hands

大小路況握手中  Knowing All Big & Small Roads

有她導航我放心  She Make Him Feeled Relaxed

出門駕車真輕鬆  Driving Always with No Tension

文武全材樣樣行  All Things She Can Do

各類游戲皆精通  All Games She Can Play

棋逢敵手弈一局  A Chess Champion She Is

