
多思不若养志, 多言不若守静, 多才不若蓄德.
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"Liao Chang Yong also sang this song at Zhou Xiaoyan's 90th birthday party and was in tears by the end.This almost made me cry and I am not easily moved. Madame Zhou didn't just help him out a lot, she was the sole reason he is what he is today. Liao was rejected initially as a prospective singing student by the conservatory. Madame Zhou alone recognized his potential. Without her he would still be a peasant. My grandparents know her well."  - A friend on internet

秀山 发表评论于
周小燕,上海音乐学院终身教授,中国著名花腔女高音歌唱家和声乐教育家,有近半个世纪党龄的老共产党员。在她奔腾不息的90年生命旅程中,她用一个又一个音符和音阶,在“母亲——祖国”这条旋律线上,完成了一个最精致、华彩的装饰音。 周小燕