As we wander through our unfolding life, we each search for the promised land of personal authenticity and a vibrant life. The Holy One becomes the door, providing safe passage and clearance to what lies ahead in the journey to wholeness. The Door of Divinity is a channel of love, constantly available for us to pass through as we enter our chamber of transformation. As we continue this journey throughout our lifetime, the Door of Divinity always stands open as a grace-filled passageway.
Joyce Rupp
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JoshuaChow 发表评论于
518 West Las Tunas Drive. San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 289 5998
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同意“吃过就知道。” - 想知道李子的滋味,就要亲口尝一尝嘛!
JoshuaChow 发表评论于
Newport Seafood isn’t a good place to bring somebody who’s indecisive. The menu at the Vietnamese-influenced Chinese restaurant offers a whopping 131 options, with entire blocks of print devoted to elephant clam, frog and abalone/sea cucumber. However, you’d do best just to stand by the seafood tanks near the entrance, point and pick. That’s where the prized sea creatures reside.