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Aphrodite of the Syracuse type. Parian marble, Roman copy of the 2nd century CE after a Greek original of the 4th century BC; neck, head and left arm are restorations by Antonio Canova. Found at Baiae, Southern Italy. National Archaeological Museum, Athens

Raphael: Venus and Jupiter


The Birth of Venus (Nascita di Venere) ,Sandro Botticelli (1445–1510) , Italian: La nascita di Venere, The Birth of Venus, tempera on panel。 Dimensions: Length: 278.5 cm (109.6 in). Height: 172.5 cm (67.9 in). Current location: Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Room Botticelli

The Birth of Venus (La Naissance de Vénus) ,William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1879,Oil on canvas, 300 cm × 218 cm, Musée d'Orsay, Paris

The Birth of Venus (Naissance de Venus),Alexandre Cabanel,1863,Oil on canvas,130 cm × 225 cm,Musée d'Orsay, Paris



The Birth of Venus 1740,François Boucher,Painting, Oil on canvas, 130 x 162 cm,Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden


Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time,Agnolo Bronzino,circa 1545,Oil on wood,146 cm × 116 cm,National Gallery, London。Cupid是Venus的儿子。这幅画有n多种有趣的解释。看了这幅就可以大致知道为什么Cupid是爱欲之神了。还有,Cupid就是希腊神话里的Eros。

Eros/Amor stringing his bow, Roman copy after Greek original by Lysippos. Musei Capitolini, Rome。Amor是Cupid在罗马神话中的别名。

Psyché ranimée par le baiser de l'Amour (Psyche revived by the kiss of Love),Antonio Canova,Marble, 1793.

,Louvre Museum。Psyche是Cupid所爱的美丽少女。他们的爱情故事动人心弦。据说她太美了,未来的婆婆Venus很嫉妒,因为Psyche把原本注视Venus的目光全吸引开去了。。。。。。

Death of Adonis, by Luca Giordano。Aphrodite爱Adonis胜过爱别的任何人。她离开了奥林波斯山,装扮成一个女猎手跟他一起整天打猎。有一天,Adonis打猎受伤,死了。Aphrodite请求Zeus。Zeus最后答应让Adonis作了植物之神——每年死而复生,永远年轻。

Judgement of Paris, c. 1515, Marcantonio after Raphael。Raphael的作品讲的是这样一个故事:Zeus让特洛伊王子Paris去做一件事,在Hera,Athena和Aphrodite三位美女中,选出一位最漂亮的,并把一枚金苹果交给她。Hera许诺Paris权力,Athena许诺胜利,而Aphrodite许诺特洛伊绝色美女Helen。于是Paris就把金苹果给了Aphrodite。结果就是特洛伊战争和罗马的开始。可以说这两件大事情都跟Aphrodite脱不了干系。

The Judgment of Paris, Peter Paul Rubens, ca 1636,National Gallery, London

The Rape of Helen,c. 1578–1579,Jacopo Tintoretto,Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid。“rape”一词其实意指abduction。

Galatea, c. 1512-14 by Raphael, Villa Farnesina, Rome。Galatea:一位少女,起初是Pygmalion雕刻的塑像,后来在雕刻家的请求下Aphrodite给予了她生命。这是Aphrodite做的一件好事。

Venus de Milo (Aphrodite from Melos). Parian marble, ca. 130-100 BC? Found in Melos in 1820.H. 2.02 m, Louvre Museum。这一件是Louvre的三大镇馆之宝之一。
