画画不仅是学习一门艺术,更是一种享受。所以,我画画就专门找CHALLENGE自己的题材画。书上说:Gruop of figures are wonderful subjects for a painting, and they have provided artists with inspiration for centuries. Figures can tell stories about their relationships, their histories, and their predicaments, so artists have often grouped figures together to tell epic tales, depict religious stories, deliver a moral message, and record political events...A group figure painting is quite a challenge to organize and paint convincingly.
所以,为了organize well and paint convincingly, 我创作构思这幅画时,只画4支猫,并把它们的位置摆好,还特意GOOLGE了一下PLAY POKER的RULE。画面正前方有两支猫,右边的是翻牌的DEALER,它边上的猫因牌不好就放弃BET了。随着这两支猫的眼神望去,就知道画面最左和最右的两支猫是在GAME中对峙的。谁手里的牌好,谁在BLUFFING,观者只有猜测。。。我希望这是一个使人看了SMILE的FUN PAINTING。
为了表示是在室外PATIO DECK,所以画了一个花盆。另外考虑到猫不识字,所以,扑克牌上没数字,BETTING CHIPS也没数字。
Cats Playing Poker - OIL ON CANVAS 24" x 36"