【Marteau Film】La Reine Margot
La Reine Margot(Version Longue)-Journey to Navarre-Elohi
《玛戈皇后》(未删节版,总长162分钟)- 纳瓦拉漫漫之路 - Elohi
Uploaded by cavalier080854 on Feb 2, 2008
Charles IX confession to Margot (Version Longue)
《玛戈皇后》(未删节版,总长162分钟)- 国王查尔斯九世临死前在他妹妹玛戈面前忏悔
• 【Marteau Film】La Reine Margot -惊堂木!- ♂
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 6/29/11 23:12:24 />
• 没读小说,也是看了电影“玛戈皇后”,更平民化的新教的崛起是在腥风血雨之中。。。 -qq1234567890- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 6/30/11 00:15:38
• 是的。“政教分离”这项放之四海而皆准的原则正是人类从这样的腥风血雨之中学习得来的。。。
政教分離(church and state),指的是意指依據法律使任何宗教主張與政府之間互不干涉,如美國憲法第一修正案中明文規定:「國會不得制訂關於創立宗教或禁止宗教自由之法律。」[1]。此外國家力量不援助、助長、壓迫各宗教團體。政教分離是現代政治學的一項原則,源於歐洲擺脫宗教控制的科學革命、啟蒙运动、文艺复兴、宗教改革,並成為歐美政治學說主流觀點。歐洲社會的趨勢是向現世主義方向發展,從而宗教與政治不互相干涉。
-惊堂木!- ♂
(4243 bytes) (7 reads) 6/30/11 12:13:14
• 诚请高手把此歌一一对应翻译出来,原歌究竟是什么语种呢?谢谢! -惊堂木!- ♂
(614 bytes) (23 reads) 7/2/11 09:26:04
• 网上都有,希伯来文的(歌词附在此) -南极人- ♂
(1858 bytes) (21 reads) 7/2/11 17:27:15
• 谢谢!不懂希伯莱语,怎么听也很难把左侧的歌词与影片里的歌声对照起来,看来得多 -惊堂木!- ♂
(228 bytes) (20 reads) 7/2/11 19:25:36
• 说实在的我只能对上 -南极人- ♂
(163 bytes) (14 reads) 7/2/11 23:24:32
• link -南极人- ♂
(116 bytes) (14 reads) 7/2/11 23:27:14
Uploader Comments (cavalier080854)
"My God, my God,
All the soul which you placed in me -
My God...
Yes, there is a lot of secrecy and deceit.
And loves that cannot be.
As we are born
Into this life.
What remains?"
SashSegal 3 years ago 19
Thank you for your translation, much appreciated.
cavalier080854 3 years ago
Top Comments
Wonderful film
Isabelle Adjani is the most beautiful actress in the world. This film is one of my favorite films it is just like fairy tale so emotional, sad, amazing.
Ending is very sad when Isabelle says:It doesn't matter! As long as I keep on smiling one of the best film scenes in the movie history, so beautiful, music is wonderful and so sad. Isabelle Adjani and Monica Bellucci look like sisters, they are two of the most beautiful actresses in the world and they are my favorite actresses.
MaLeNaa1983 2 years ago 35
Isabelle Adjani is soooooo beautiful!
Jooleeana 2 years ago 33
see all
All Comments (57)
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@qorianka87 it's a dialect known as ladin which the Jewish people who were expelled from Iberia during the 1400s and inquisition brought with them to places like modern-day Roumania.
mkervelegan 1 month ago
@guyinterrupted sorry it took so long to respond but I am a Basque Navarrese person and have studied its history. You are right about the split. But the people of Navarre also have a voice in who they chose and it was the Carlist line (also in exile and claimants to the throne of Spain. The music which people on this vid are attracted to is not Navarrese and its tongue is foreign as well (non Basque of which Henry was fluent and spoke on his death bed)
Psychopathic, murderous French republic
zaphodtrillian 2 months ago
Does anyone know where I can find the 162min version of the film???
DinoAgent69 4 months ago
@zaphodtrillian Valois was the worst dynasty to rule France....Bad Kings like JOHN II and Philip VI
poutinepower 5 months ago
@guyinterrupted NO not quite.The defeat of Navarre on the Spanish side saw the annexation of that half to Spain.After the treaty of the Pyrenees the kingdom had two monachies simultaneouslu claiming it. So it was only from the integration of "French Navarre" into the kingdom of France during the reign of Henry 17th C that this claim.To be the tru king of Navarre one must be prince of VIANA on the Spanish side. So called Louis XX claim is week like the Bourbon Carlist claim for Spain and Navarre
zaphodtrillian 8 months ago
I don't understand anything besides "canto nero" in the second part. what language is that? is it spanish? and what are they singing? "canto nero and..." does anyone know? thanks
qorianka87 9 months ago
What a moving song, what a voice, what a soul...
cheope1 9 months ago 4
Thank u for translating!
nsakic 11 months ago
Great movie ... I was in love with Isabelle Adjani!
nsakic 11 months ago 2