
有一个 condo 现在的 tenant (一对 couple, 女的说是 expecting 了, 所以在这个月初通知他们就住到这个月底) 要搬出去了。

老婆过几天就回来了, 不过当时我想还是提前在网上登个广告, 因为如果等她从国内回来再登广告的话, 离现在房客搬家的时间只有 10 来天了, 一下子可能不一定能找到新的房客。

刚刚收到一个 text message : just wondering if owner was open to renting to two responsible college age young professional girls, both with full time job.

因为这是一个 1/1 unit, 所以我觉得这个问问题的人应该是一个拉拉吧。 象这样情况的租客一般不会有什么问题吧? 不知道这里有经验的地主对这样的租客怎么看?


闲着88 发表评论于
I won't worry if there are 拉拉. I will worry if they won't, the girl at this age usually bring friends(girls and boys), if they both brings friends at the same time, it will easy go out of control. I usually meet the tenant and judge by how they looks, check their referrence (previous landlord).