右若匿 左在差, 不左即右是谁家
中求伸 上近神, 不中不上唯余深
the Right is like hiding, the left in a poor,Who belongs to this:
Once left left then leans to right ,In the middle seeks to stretch,
while go up near God,Neither stay the middle nor go up,
only deep down left
泡网八时损八钱 走马读人老白干 美女呼来不上船 醇酒一口已尽欢
杂坛虽浅犹多险 shallow 浅滩不及龙潭半 shoal,pond
总宜覃思踏坦途 smooth, high way 切忌坍台一瞬间 collaps
切莫贪大以求全 go in for gradious project 也免贪多嚼不烂 bite off more than...
贪小失大应牢记 covet a litle and loss a lot 泰山压顶腰不弯 not give in to any pressure
闲谈不觉踏险滩 贪污未坏过贪玩 vinal , be too fond of play
一摊稀泥一滩血 a pool of...泰山崩前难泰然 calm