跟着朋友们带小企鹅们去“爬藤”, 女儿“爬”完后发表感言:“Harvard is #1,too hard;Yale is too scary,there was a girl disappeared there last year,I like MIT.” 我说,“丫头, 你like MIT没用啊, 得MIT like U才行。 为了让MIT like U, 你能不能先下来, 别破坏公物哈。”
MIT 的小学生
你弹不弹?不弹就没有souvenir. 在虎妈的威吓利诱下, 好不情愿地跳上去糊弄一番。想起德国著名的玻璃花制造者Leopold Blaschka 说过的一段话:“Many people think that we have some secret apparatus by which we can squeeze glass suddenly into these forms, but it is not so. we have tact......The only way to become a glass modeler of skill is to get a good great-grandfather who loved glass; then he is to have a son with tastes, he in turn will have a son who must be passionately fond of glass." 唉,可怜小丫头没有一个good great-grandfather who is a pianist, 有怎么能指望她passionately fond of piano呢? Blame?
erdong 发表评论于
breezebrook 发表评论于
#6 发表评论于
这么早就开始灌输爬藤的事,太虎妈了 !
breezebrook 发表评论于
谢谢米德1(who is 米德2?)!女儿三岁开始学跳舞,6岁时开始专练芭蕾,去年才转学jazz, 因为她说芭蕾太boring, 喜欢jazz的蹦蹦跳跳,我尊重她的选择,只要是正经事就行了哈。
一个同行的队员在飞机上跟我说:糟了,忘了买lotto了。他们几个同事一块买lotto已经持续了两年了,这是第一次break the rule,他说他同事非宰了他不可。回到家第一件事就是去道歉,谁知他同事以为他在开玩笑,说早就收到他发出来的numbers了。他使劲拍了拍脑袋叫到:that's what a long vacation did to me。See, 跟着我们这crazy队长旅行,大家多多少少都有些damage, either physically or mentally。