【今年喜欢穿的夏裙 (真人秀)】

梦月女 发表评论于
closeby 好文采! 多谢支持!!!


如果喜欢, 不用等下次中秋歌会,
欢迎加盟我们合唱团一起唱 :-)
closeby 发表评论于
The one who applauds the loudest for you will be me ::)

是谁的歌声 把梦在四季里牵连?
为谁的掌声 抖落了一地的月光?

你唱的歌很好听。下次中秋歌会要和你唱一首。可不能拒绝 ::))
梦月女 发表评论于
Thank you closeby! I guess I will see you at Chinese new year party again this year :-)
closeby 发表评论于
Wow, suddenly saw a familiar face here, what a pleasant surprise. Always enjoy your dance in the Chinese new year party.