[淡淡的忧伤] 行走在阳光里 Walk in the sun -Mcfly

Summer Sun Set Serene 



这样的歌, 让人难免淡忧淡伤,是对原始的好奇,对未来的无知还是面对自然的无力 ?

人生来不是为了战胜一切的, 人也像候鸟,花草树叶

以前听过很多有关太阳月亮的赞美, 也许听了太多,都不以为然了,

某一天自己突然发现习以为常的太阳, 月亮是这么美, 每天都希望能看到它们, 也觉得自己能看到日月的日子一天一天地在减少,



有一天有人问我从哪来,以后去哪?突然间才发现自己有些走丢了,悲喜参半, 有得有失,

还好抬头一看,日月相伴,铁杆得很,海,有太阳月亮的地方就是自己的家,怕什么,有什么好难过的,谁叫自己小时和同学打牌算命抽到那《远走高飞》那一签, 当时自己还蛮高兴的, 像小鸟一样



好了,继续上路,继续笨飞,头顶日月看风景,Walking in the Sun ......

I wonder what it's like to be loved by you

I wonder what it's like to be home

And I don't walk when there's a stone in my shoe

All I know, that in time I'll be fine

I wonder what it's like to fly so high

Or to breathe under the sea

I wonder if someday I'll be good with goodbyes

But I'll be okay if you come along with me

Such a long, long way to go

Where I'm going I don't know

I'm just following the road

For a walk in the sun

For a walk in the sun

I wonder how they put a man on the moon

I wonder what it's like up there

I wonder if you'll ever sing this tune

All I know is the answers in the air

Such a long, long way to go

Where I'm going I don't know

I'm just following the road

For a walk in the sun

For a walk in the sun

Sitting and watching the world going by

Is it true when we die we go up to the sky?

Woah, woah

So many things that I don't understand

Put my feet in the sand when I'm walking in the sun


Walking in the sun

Such a long, long way to go

Where I'm going I don't know

I'm just following the road

For a walk in the sun

For a walk in the sun, yeah




法国薰衣草 发表评论于
哎呀,草草写这些东西是用来自我教育滴,私有的meditation8, 而且是受音乐启发的, 旋律歌词都有, 音乐一听又木有了
很多时候只有写的时候感觉才清楚, 写完了自己又搞不清了,所以要记下来

tern2 发表评论于
法国薰衣草 发表评论于
谢谢你的鼓励,你的大名给人启迪, Simple Relax!
simplerelax 发表评论于
I like you and your every word so much!! Thank you for your sharing and education!!