

One day when we were buying groceries in a Chinese supermarket, we bumped into a lady who used to own a Chinese restaurant. I introduced my wife to her. The nice lady in her early fifties said warmly, “You are so beautiful! Your husband used to be my patron. He seemed quite lonely in the past. He’s lucky to have you!” I felt happy, and also slightly embarrassed at such a remark…

I still remember those days when I ate dinners alone. I usually went to her restaurant with a copy of a free local Chinese paper, for eating alone brought me occasionally uncomfortable self-consciousness . I flipped the pages, and skimmed those self-congratulatory awards and parties of the local Chinese celebrities – while chewing the greasy food. Reading those stories, I liked to entertain myself smugly with a theory that loneliness inside the marginalized immigrant community was the driving force behind all the fuss... Well, when I thought I was reading other people's "loneliness", I never suspected the hostess actually looked through the newspaper, and witnessed my solitude.

But those days are history. The restaurant was closed. I don’t dine alone. I don't eat any greasy food. I don’t read the local Chinese newspaper either (the ink stain on fingers are not healthy anyway). It’s all because of my wife... Thank you, dear! 有妳真好!

"Love Will Keep Us Alive" by Eagles

I was standing

All alone against the world outside

You were searching

For a place to hide

Lost and lonely

Now you've given me the will to survive

When we're hungry, love will keep us alive

Don't you worry

Sometimes you've just gotta let it ride

The world is changing

Right before your eyes

Now I've found you

There's no more emptiness inside

When we're hungry, love will keep us alive

I would die for you

Climb the highest mountain

Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do

Now I've found you

There's no more emptiness inside

When we're hungry, love will keep us alive


I would die for you

Climb the highest mountain

Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do

I was standing

All alone against the world outside

You were searching

For a place to hide

Lost and lonely

Now you've given me the will to survive

When we're hungry, love will keep us alive

When we're hungry, love will keep us alive

When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
