Praise the Lord!

While I paint a girl from life, I kept talking as, partly, entertainment, but my thinking brought me into a new discovery later at the park--OMG, a big one, whole 26 letters were reviewed again, the novel idea will shed a new light to vocabulary world, a woo and ahh will be heard.

The secret in English disclosed by a Chinese, yes, only by who studied Chinese philosophy and possesses other special character, even it looks simple, but it is unheard. The words can be explained, but no textbook ever tell it in a more profound way...for instance, the word of paragon, what you can get is a definition, be sure no mistake about it, that is all you can get, it seems that no one ever to take the toil to explore into it, at least no good solution was out.

Praise the lord I survived the hardship and become a father of a brainchild.

最好办法, 近在眼前, most of these words


they不仅可以英文分析, 也与汉语有密切联系, 这在目前是闻所未闻, 却确实是实用科学的划时代的 人发现.

日本"英语怪兽"独家秘方学英语 27次考试获满分


“宅在家中学英语”意味着不必出国, 国际交流英语考试即托业考试(TOEIC)中,27次得到满分990分。 北海道大学攻读俄罗斯历史。“俄语中,一个形容词有24种不同形式……当时我说俄语的水平超过现在说英语水平。”

大学毕业后,他英语学术资料的企业担任销售,34岁辞职。隐居苦学. 把书买回去,花3天读完,挑战《时代》等,一半单词不认识。一天花12小时埋首杂志。起先,他每页要查大约50个单词,又没钱买大字典,只能隔几天去书店翻阅大字典,而这种行为需要克服羞愧和“入店偷知识”的罪恶感。躲躲藏藏的查阅方式帮助他速记。能在10分钟内读完一页《新闻周刊》,有时读完整本杂志没有遇到一个生词。

隐居7年后,他与父母一起生活。托业考试,没怎么准备就得了970分。之后,菊池参加了50多次托业考试,成绩从未低于970分。当起英语教师。数十次托业高分是他证明自己的唯一“利器”。他说,与那些20多岁在东京大学、伦敦学习英语的专业人士相比,“我从未出过国学习……只有这一点(多次高分)值得夸耀”。 在他看来,无论何时开始学习一门新语言都不算迟,“年龄不是问题,无论你13岁还是93岁,只要觉得愉快,就是合适时间”。

