-- 托斯卡的咏叹调
艺术爱情就是我生命,我热爱着生活,渴望着幸福,无论在何时我永远把友谊送给人们. 永远是真诚的信徒,在上帝面前,用纯洁的心忠诚地祈祷,永远是真诚的信徒,送上一束鲜花.我在这悔恨的时刻,我在这痛苦的时刻,亲爱的主啊,为何抛弃我?我已经失掉所有的幸福和欢乐,让悲惨的命运,让悲惨的命运,永远陪伴我,在绝望的时刻,痛苦忧愁折磨我,啊,万能的上帝啊,为何抛弃我?
吉亚卡摩·普契尼(Giacomo Puccini,1858-1924)意大利歌剧作家
剧情是: 在1800年,罗马画家马里奥·卡瓦拉多西因掩护政治犯安格洛蒂脱逃而被捕受刑,他的未婚妻、美丽的歌剧女演员托斯卡正热恋着马里奥,警察总监斯卡尔皮亚以处死马里奥来胁迫托斯卡委身于他,托斯卡被迫假意允从,警察总监则答应搞一次假处决使马里奥获得自由,托斯卡在拿到警察总监签发的离境通行证后,趁其不备刺死了斯卡尔皮亚.黎明时,马里奥被带往刑场,托斯卡告诉他只是次假处决.谁料这是警察总监为永久占有她而耍的花招,马里奥真的被执行枪决,随后她刺死警察总监之事也即暴露,最终托斯卡选择跳墙自杀殉情......
Vissi d’arte, vissi d’amore,
non feci mai male ad anima viva!
Con man furtiva
quante miserie conobbi aiutai.
Sempre con fè sincera
la mia preghiera
ai santi tabernacoli salì.
Sempre con fè sincera
diedi fiori agl’altar.
Nell’ora del dolore
perchè, perchè, Signore,
perchè me ne rimuneri così?
Diedi gioielli della Madonna al manto,
e diedi il canto agli astri, al ciel,
che ne ridean più belli.
Nell’ora del dolor
perchè, perchè, Signor,
ah, perchè me ne rimuneri così?
English Translation of "Vissi d'Arte"
I lived for my art, I lived for love,I never did harm to a living soul!
With a secret hand
I relieved as many misfortunes as I knew of.
Always with true faith
my prayer
rose to the holy shrines.
Always with true faith
I gave flowers to the altar.
In the hour of grief
why, why, o Lord,
why do you reward me thus?
I gave jewels for the Madonna’s mantle,
and I gave my song to the stars, to heaven,
which smiled with more beauty.
In the hour of grief
why, why, o Lord,
ah, why do you reward me thus?