作为证据,你应当把能帮助你呈示家庭暴力发生过的任何东西和任何人带到法庭上。也许是听见你呼叫求助,看见你在流血或是你有青肿的邻居,朋友或亲戚。如果你有医生或医院治伤的医疗证明,你应当带上。 警方报告也是重要证据。
能显示青肿或其他可视伤痕的相片(伤处可以特写, 但至少一张要有你的脸—译者注)也是最有力证据之一。有些地区,警察会带着一个相机;或急诊室工作人员也能照相。在身体伤害几天后再照相片也是好主意,因为青肿要过几天显示。如有可能,相片上最好有日期。
• 通告施暴者离开和远离你的家、你的工作、你的朋友或亲戚。
• 指示施暴者不能通过电话、信件或通过其他人传话来接触你。
• 命令施暴者远离孩子和照看孩子的人、幼儿园或学校。
• 要求警察陪你回家拿个人用品。
• 决定有关抚养权、探访和子女抚养费的议项。
• 命令施暴者支付有关虐待的费用如医护、财产损失等等。
• 决定有关特定财产的分割的议项。
法官也可以命令施暴者去进行打人者介入调停计划(Batterers Intervention Program)和/或酒精或毒品治疗。然而,即使他停止喝酒或用毒品,这不意味着施虐就会停止。即使他同意去得到有关帮助,你仍应要求拥有保护令。
Getting The Evidence Together
As evidence, you should bring to court whatever and whomever can help you show that the violence took place. Maybe a neighbor, a friend or relative heard you call for help or saw that you were bleeding or bruised. If you have medical records from a doctor or hospital that treated your injuries, you should bring them. A police report can also be important evidence.
One of the strongest pieces of evidence you can have is a photo of yourself that shows bruises or other visible injuries. In some areas, the police carry instant cameras and will take a picture of your injuries, or someone working in an emergency room can take a picture. It's a good idea to have pictures taken again a few days after a physical assault as it sometimes takes a while for bruises to show up. If possible, it is best to get film that has a date on it.
While witnesses strengthen your case, the most important evidence is what you tell the judge. Going over what you plan to say ahead of time and writing it down is a good way to prepare. Make a list of things you would like the court to do for you and specifically ask the judge to include those things in the Order of Protection. The list should include things you need to help stop the violence and make you safe. Among other things the judge can:
• Tell the abuser to leave and stay away from your home, your job, your family or friends;
• Direct the abuser to have no contact with you meaning no phone calls, letters or messages through other people;
• Order the abuser to stay away from the children, their baby-sitter, day care or schools;
• Require the police to accompany you into your home to retrieve personal belongings;
• Decide issues related to custody, visitation and child support;
• Order your abuser to pay for expenses related to the abuse such as medical care, property damage, etc;
• Decide issues related to dividing up certain kinds of personal property.
The judge can also order your partner to go to a Batterers Intervention Program and/or to alcohol or drug treatment, However, even if he stops drinking or using drugs or goes to a batterers program, it doesn't necessarily mean that the abuse will stop. Even if he agrees to get help, you may still want to have an Order of Protection.
Be prepared to explain why you need each type of relief you want. If you are asking that your abuser pay for your expenses, bring bills, receipts or other proof to show what these expenses were.
YOU MUST APPEAR IN COURT ON THE DATE SET FOR THE HEARING. The judge cannot issue an Order of Protection unless you are there. It you don't show up, he or she may dismiss the case and you would have to start all over again. If there is a reason that you can't come to court on the hearing date, call the clerk right away and explain. Ask for a CONTINUANCE and explain why you need it. The hearing will be set for another date.
尊严这东西 怎能因为环境的改变而丧失?
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