今年六月大儿子大学毕业我们决定全家从波士顿开车去芝加哥参加他的毕业典礼然后一起开车出去转悠转悠。我查了一下地图发现从芝加哥到黄石公园只比到波士顿多400多英里,心想不如加把劲就可以去梦想多年的黄石公园了。此想法一提出来就受到全家赞同。 于是我就开始信心满满的计划the big trip了。在计划的过程中才发现此行程真的很tough,期间就有点想打退堂鼓了,打电话和大儿子商量是不是可以改去加拿大的魁北克结果儿子很坚定的说只想去黄石公园如果改去加拿大他就不去了。这年头老爸老妈总是生怕巴结不上儿子。既然儿子发话了咱是无论如何要听的。 这样硬着头皮也要去实施这伟大的黄石公园旅行计划了。这样一来二去就到了六月初了,赶快紧锣密鼓地安排行程,到了六月十四日出发的前一天终于搞定了一个行程计划(见附件 1)。 可是这天中午收到我老妈的电话说她也想去黄石公园。 问能不能飞到黄石公园附近然后我们去接她( 我们本来想这个旅行太辛苦就没有计划带她去)。这下问题来了看来她是真的很想去, 但我们的行程是不走回头路的而且赶千里路去接机也太不靠谱了。万一路上有什么情况不能按时赶到那老妈该怎么办。想来想去只有一个办法就是全家陪她坐飞机。这样到了最后一分钟我们要把整个计划做一个很大的修正。当天晚上挑灯夜战订机票,租车,改旅馆。天助我也,居然让我找到不错的deal, 5张芝加哥到丹佛往返机票加上9天SUV 一共1700 多 刀就 搞定了。一切就绪已经是夜里两点多了,虽然很累了但也松了一口气7000英里的行程缩短了2000英里变5000英里了(见附件 2).一下轻松了许多。第二天 (15日)开始了我们的西部之行。
附件 1.
Yellowstone trip Plan
A. Chicago
1. Boston to Chicago (6/15 to 6/16)
2. Chicago (6/16 to 6/20)
B. Rocky Mountain, CO
3. Chicago to Ogallala NE (793mi, 12hrs 53min) 6/20 to 6/21
4. Ogallala to Rocky Mountain (231mi, 3hrs50min) 6/21
5. Rocky mountain (6/21 to 6/22)
C. Arches NP, Moab
6. Rocky Mountain to Arches NP ( 404mi, 7hrs) 6/22 to 6/23
7. Arches NP to Salt city to Afton, WY (439mi, 7hrs 55min) 6/23 to 6/24
D. Grand Teton and Yellowstone NP
8. Afton, WY to Grand Teton NP to Yellowstone (220mi, 4hrs 55min) 6/24
9. Yellowstone NP (6/24 to 6/26)
10. Yellowstone NP to Seeley lake (297mi, 5hrs 8min) 6/26 to 6/27
E. Glacier NP
11. Seeley to Glacier NP (92.2mi, 1hr 52min) 6/27
12. Glacier NP (6/27 to 6/28)
13. Glacier NP to Billing (415mi, 7hrs 14min) 6/28 to 6/29
14. Billing to Rapid City to Sioux Fall (661mi, 10hrs 49min) 6/29 to 6/30
15. Sioux Fall to Toledo, OH (836mi, 13hrs 36min) 6/30 to 7/1
16. Toledo to Boxborough (769mi, 12hrs 33min) 7/1
附件 2.
Yellowstone trip Plan
A. Chicago
1. Boston to Chicago (6/15 to 6/16)
2. Chicago (6/16 to 6/21)
3. Fly to Denver, Co
B. Rocky Mountain, CO
4. Denver to Rocky Mount (65.9mi, 1hour30min).
5. Rocky mountain (6/21 to 6/22)
C. Arches NP, Moab
6. Rocky Mountain to Arches NP ( 404mi, 7hrs) 6/22 to 6/23
7. Arches NP to Jackson Hole, WY (508mi, 9hrs 15min) 6/23 to 6/24
D. Grand Teton and Yellowstone NP
8. Jackson Hole, WY to Grand Teton NP to Yellowstone (82.7mi, 1hrs 45min) 6/24
9. Yellowstone NP (6/24 to 6/27)
E. Mountain Rushmore NP
10. Yellowstone to Rapid City (527mi, 9hrs 21min) 6/27 to 6/28
11. Rapid City to Mount Rushmore (23mi, 30min) 6/28
12. Mountain Rushmore to Denver city (366mi, 6hours 22min) 6/28 to 6/29
13. Fly from Denver to Chicago (6/29)
Total driving mileage 2600mi for the circle!