不错,开始关注自己的仪表了。可就是往反方向:每天洗完澡,站在镜子前,把头发梳得竖起来。老爸问:“Are you tryingto be a punk?" 人家笑一笑,懒得搭理老爸。
一个礼拜下来,看样子对新学校还满意。开学前两个礼拜就参加了学校的长跑队(cross-country),差不多每天两英里。接他的路上,他告诉老爸:“Iam doing oK,dad. It takes me 20 minutes. I think I can stillimprove more。”关键是交了新朋友,愿意去。这消除了老爸以前的担心--不会又是一个只会读书的nerd吧。当然,儿子最满意的是学校的饭菜--比小学的好多了。现在是自己有一个账户,老爸老妈写好支票存账户上,他自己每天用上面的钱买自己喜欢吃的。学校有指定的食物,保证孩子的营养,还有自己可以随便选择的甜点。
Thanks for your nice comments.Yes, it is a joy to watch our kids growing! I will continue to record this chapter of my life until they can fly by their own.
The discussion of IQ and EQ, and which one is more important for future success is always attractive to me. I agree with you that EQ might be more important. However, it is not an easy job to improve personal skill for any person. I hope he can do better than me in the future. I am not a googd role model for him on this, definitely.:(.
无名人 发表评论于
Isn't that nice to watch your kid grow? Congratulations!!!
Glad to see your son likes the after school activity(cross country, therefore making friends) a lot. Depend how you look at it, personally I feel it is more important for our kids to know how to deal with people, friends than get a better grade in Math.
We all hope they turn out to be normal, regular. But deep inside everyone of them is SPECIAL!!!
“Every kid is special”可以是指孩子的personality。我也认为我孩子都市ordinary kids呢。
BlueCrab 发表评论于
What's your point? Just like my parents, every one thinks his/her child is special. In reality, your child is just an ordinary kid. Give him some space and let him be what he wants to be if you really love him.