威尔第的《Messa da Requiem安魂曲/安魂弥撒》(1873~1874)

File:Verdi Requiem La Scala premiere by Tofani.jpg

  • Verdi's Requiem - first performance at la Scala - June 25, 1874

    Three days after having played the Requiem Mass in the Church of San Marco, Verdi organized a performance at La Scala, with the same soloists: Teresa Stolz (soprano), Maria Waldmann (mezzo-soprano), Giuseppe Coppini (tenor), Ormando Maini (bass). With La Scala's choir ( for the occasion, 120 choristers) and the full orchestra, of course, directed again by the same Verdi. The success of the Requiem Mass was immense.

  • photo
    Verdi's Requiem at La Scala - detail

    With the exception of the tenor Capponi, all the others - choir and orchestra included - were the same interpreters who were chosed to perform the première of "Aida" in Cairo three years before, in 1871.

    Verdi's Requiem at s.Marco - DETAIL

    DETAIL - notice please as the two women soloists are both dressed in black, as the Missa was actually a funeral ceremony. For the same reason, most of the women in the audience wear light veils on their heads and black drapes are hanged between the pillars of the church.
    The helmeted man on the right, near the column, is not a soldier by a contemporary fireman in high uniform.

    ( Photo from http://www.flickr.com/photos/www_tripeleff_org/5203859695/in/photostream/)



    />威尔第安魂曲- 2-7:我呻吟 Ingemisco - Joseph Calleja男高音
    Verdi's Requiem:Proms 2011 - Prom 13 - Broadcast on BBC 4
    Marina Poplavskaya - soprano/Mariana Pentcheva - mezzo-soprano/Joseph Calleja - tenor/Ferruccio Furlanetto - bass
    BBC Symphony Orchestra/Semyon Bychkov -- conductor

    The Messa da Requiem by Giuseppe Verdi is a musical setting of the Roman Catholic funeral mass (Requiem) for four soloists, double choir and orchestra. It was composed in memory of Alessandro Manzoni, an Italian poet and novelist much admired by Verdi. The first performance in San Marco in Milan on 22 May 1874 marked the first anniversary of Manzoni's death. The work was at one time called the Manzoni Requiem. [ 1 ] It is typically not performed in the liturgy, but in a concert of around 85–90 minutes.

    威尔第的《Messa da Requiem安魂曲》又称《安魂弥撒》,作于18731874年。这部作品是为纪念好友、意大利诗人及小说家曼佐尼而作。   曼佐尼的小说《订婚者》,是19 ε 洲浪漫主义文学的代表作之一。《安魂曲》于曼佐尼逝世一周年时1874年在米兰首演。



    一.安魂曲与慈悲经Introit and and Kyrie (chorus, soloists)



    二.最后审判日Dies irae


    1.最后审判日Dies irae (chorus),激动的快板。乐队表现最后审判日的恐怖,预示了《奥赛罗》的暴风 雨场面。合唱的歌词是:到神谴的那一夭,到愤怒的那一天,如大卫所预言的,世界将变为灰烬,西比尔(古代女预言家)将变为灰烬。

    2.审判经Tuba mirum (chorus, bass),持续的快板。合唱歌词:号角吹响了奇妙的声音,掠过世界上的坟墓,它要召唤所有的人来 到王座面前。定音鼓表达这可畏时刻的恐怖,然后男低音独唱,描绘当所有人站起来回答最后审判者时,死亡和大自然都 吃一惊。

    3.圣经Liber scriptus (mezzo-soprano, chorus),持续的极快板,女低音和合唱。歌词内容:每一件事都将揭示出来,无人能 油殉头!! 女低音演唱一 个长长的抒情旋律,合唱团作为背景。

    4.多可怜的人Quid sum miser (soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor) 。柔板,女高音,女低音与男低音。当正义得不到保障时,我所说的 这个可怜的人将请求哪一个保护者来帮助呢?三个独唱者同唱一个乐句,互相模仿。

    . 最威严的王Rex tremendae (soloists, chorus) ,庄严的慢板。合唱团与4个独唱者,这是柏辽兹的歌词(最威严的王,他自由地拯救那些值得拯救的,拯救我吧,仁慈之源)。

    记住Recordare (soprano, mezzo-soprano)  仁慈的耶稣,庄严的慢板。女高音与女低音:记住,仁慈的耶稣,我是你出行到人世间的原因,不要在那一天把我遗弃。

    7.我呻吟Ingemisco (tenor) ,像是一个被谴责的人,稍慢。男高音:我呻吟,像是一个被谴责的人,我的脸因犯罪而发红,啊,上帝,饶恕恳求者。

    8。该诅咒的毁灭了Confutatis (bass, chorus) ,行板转快板。男低音:当该诅咒的毁灭了,并送向痛苦的烈火时,召唤我到天国。快板,返回第一部分。

    那是哭泣的一天Lacrimosa(soloists, chorus),广板。4位独唱与合唱:那将是哭泣的一天,被谴责的人将从灰烬中再生并接受审判, 那么,宽恕他,啊,上帝这是一首悲歌。先是女低音,然后男低不是然后重唱,结局合唱:仁慈的爱稣,让他们安息吧。


    .主耶稣基督Offertory Domine Jesu Christe (soloists)




    四.圣哉经Sanctus (double chorus)



    . 上帝的羔羊Agnus Dei (soprano, mezzo-soprano, chorus)



    六.永恒的光芒Lux aeterna (mezzo-soprano, tenor, bass)



    七.拯救我Libera me (soprano, chorus)




    ( 文字来自网络)

    [感想] 每一民族和他们的文化信仰对死都有自己的诠释,古埃及人他们对人死后的世界描绘的好浪漫可爱,基督教对死又是另一番神圣的赞美和精神升华,好像都有审判一关, 自己是中国人对自己文化中关于死知道不多,但好像也有审判一说,我们的文化对死比较忌讳,也许是几千年来自然人为灾害伤透他们的心了,数字上碰到4都要避开。

    不懂, 以前不敢碰弥撒曲,近年来听Richard Strauss的,马勒的音乐, 去莫扎特的弥撒曲音乐会, 开始喜欢这类题材的音乐, 活着的时候提前在音乐里感受一下死的神圣也是一种净化, 最近和哥哥通话他感叹地说人活着就是要《粗一点,大气一点,善一点》,就像在教堂听到的一样:Live well Die well。


    虽然不像以前那么怕死, 但活着还是阳光灿烂的, 深深感受到Daniel Barenboim说的那句话



    海,期待不久去听贝多芬的庄严的弥撒, 继续生活,继续逃避,继续感受,继续理解。



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