I couldn't agree with more, to collect wild mushroom might be the last outdoor activities for me to do, while I had admired the host's braveness, but I certainly will not gabmle with my life with something (fungs) might or might not be very toxic.
Just a cautioning to the host:
Even if you know all the mushrooms, I would not encourage collecting them from the wild. One reason is that fungi are highly mutant, which means one strain could be quite differnet from others though they look the same. Imagine a strain obtains some toxin genes from other species? Also fungi are good obsorbants of heavy metals, which is why they were recommended to cultivate around the area after the nuclear disaster in Ukraine. The produce sold in super markets are quite safe as they were grown on saw chips. It is absolutely fun to go out and collect nature's givings, but we need to stay healthy from that.