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6岁的小儿作业明天要交了,这次是找个有名的科学家,要弄清ta做了些啥,为啥有名,还有ta的名字,出生。他感兴趣的是Chris Newhall,一个火山专家。Google了他的生平,哪里拿的硕士,哪里拿的博士,出版的文章都很容易找到。名人么,照片也有了,可就是没出生的日子。


From: angelo chen [angelojrchen@gmail.com]Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 6:56 AM

To: Chris Newhall

Subject: when you were born

Hi I'm Angelo, I'm in first grade. We are doing a scientist project. I'm doing research on volcanologist because I want to learn more about volcanos.

Can you tell me when you were born because my project has when was your scientist born.

Thank you have a great day bye!


Hello Angelo,

I was born in 1948. Quite a long time ago!

Chris Newhall, Volcano Group Leader

Earth Observatory of Singapore

Nanyang Technological University

50 Nanyang Ave, Blk N2-01a-10

Singapore 639798

tel (65) 6513-2728; fax (65) 6792-2149;

mobile (65) 9621-9140www.earthobservatory.sg

作业完成了,哈哈!不忘写一句thank you给人家。
