Amphetamine Intoxication and Withdrawal安非他明的中毒和戒断

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Amphetamine Intoxication安非他明的中毒

A. Recent use of amphetamine or a related substance (e.g., methylphenidate)

B. Clinically significant maladaptive behavioural or psychological changes (e.g., euphoria or affective blunting; changes in sociability; hyper vigilance; interpersonal sensitivity; anxiety, tension, or anger; stereotyped behaviors; impaired judgment; or impaired social or occupational functioning) that developed during, or shortly after, use of amphetamine or a related substance.

C. Two (or more) of the following, developing during, or shortly after, use of amphetamine or a related substance:

(1) tachycardia or bradycardia心动过速或过缓

(2) papillary dilation乳突状结构的散开

(3) elevated or lowered blood pressure血压升高或降低

(4) perspiration or chills冷汗

(5) nausea or vomiting恶习,呕吐

(6) evidence of weight loss体重明显减轻

(7) psychomotor agitation or retardation精神运动的不安或迟钝

(8) muscular weakness, respiratory depression, chest pain, or cardiac arrhythmias

(9) confusion, seizures, dyskinesias, dystonias, or coma

D. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder.

Amphetamine withdrawal安非他明的戒断

A. Cessation of (or reduction in) amphetamine (or related substance) use that has been heavy and prolonged.
B. Dysphoric mood and two (or more) of the following physiological changes, developing within a few hours to several days after Criterion A:

(1) fatigue疲劳

(2) vivid, unpleasant dreams生动地恶梦

(3) insomnia or hypersomnia失眠或者噬睡

(4) increased appetite食欲大增

(5) psychomotor retardation or agitation精神运动的迟钝或不安

C. The symptoms in Criterion B cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

D. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder.
